The Inconvenience of Happiness

If you’re unhappy, you‘re probably on the right path…

Jamilah G
Practice in Public
2 min readJul 9, 2023


Happy toothles brotha by Andrey Popov

True happiness is inconvenient.

It won’t come easy or without effort from you.

You can’t eat it…

Install it,

Schedule it,

Or complain it into existence.

Happiness is the result of carefully placed building blocks. Building blocks like losing weight, exercising when you don’t want to, working a job you hate so you can use the money to fund your dream. It’s learning a new skill, it’s meeting new people, it’s being uncomfortable in a new environment. It’s trying something new until you enjoy it.

Happiness is feeling dumb over and over and over again.

Happiness is those moments of levity when you realize you made it through hell and are still here.

Not as bright and shiny as you started but intact.

Happiness is jumping back into the fire after you’ve been burned and learning to tame it. Happiness is enduring the pressure and getting better at dealing with the stress.

Happiness is peeling back the scabs and dealing with the trauma.

Happiness is acknowledging that you’ve been a victim and a villain.

Happiness isn’t wrapped up in a bow and delivered nicely to your doorstep. It’s hardwon. It’s expensive. It’s precious.

It’s taming the lion that is your mind into seeing that the garden is the flowers and the dirt. It’s setting boundaries over and over again. It’s realizing you were wrong. It’s making amends, It’s letting go, it’s being left out, it’s being an outcast, being weird, being unwanted, being broke, and broken.

Happiness is an agreement you make with the universe, with God, with yourself, that you’re okay being unhappy in pursuit of it.

And if you aren’t…

Maybe what you’re really looking for is ease.

And even that has a cost.



Jamilah G
Practice in Public

I share tips for overcoming depression you can implement immediately.