Here’s How You Can Cope Better With Your Strong Emotions

How music has a truly powerful effect on your emotions

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Practice in Public
4 min readJul 1, 2024


Photo by Marcelo Chagas:

Music has really helped me cope with my emotional struggles.

For these past few years, I’ve been dealing with huge amounts of stress and anxiety due to my personal struggles. Music has been one of the main avenues I’ve turned to to help me cope effectively.

The most common music genre I listen to is hip-hop. Compared to other genres, hip-hop is what I’m naturally drawn to during moments of high stress.

I’m quite grateful for the option of listening to music during such tough, challenging periods.

Without music as an effective coping factor, I’m sure that my mental as well as emotional states over these past few years would’ve further deteriorated.

How Exactly Does Music Work On Our Thoughts And Emotions?

Photo by Tirachard Kumtanom:

Here’s my perception of how music works on our minds based on my experiences.

The sounds and melodies of music have a profound impact on the flow of our thoughts and emotions.

It’s as if the energy and vibrations that produce these sounds can:

  • Be in tune with the energy and vibrations of our thoughts and emotions.
  • Influence and somewhat shape our thoughts and emotions.

I feel that it’s ultimately the mixing of these energies and vibrations that lead to profound changes in our emotions whenever we listen to music.

This makes our emotions more composed, streamlined, as well as calm. Hence, our minds can process and manage them more effectively.

All this may sound a bit too strange and far-fetched, but I genuinely feel this is how music operates toward our emotions and our minds as a whole.

Music Is Closely Intertwined With Our Human Nature

Photo by Anastasiya Gepp:

It’s quite interesting how as humans we’re naturally drawn to music whenever we either:

  • Need help or support dealing with our emotional challenges and struggles.
  • Feel the need to express ourselves and what we’re feeling, and thus turn to music as a creative outlet.

It’s like we’re naturally hardwired to seek out and listen to music as one of the main ways of coping with our strong emotions.

Our interests and decisions to listen to music occur in the form of natural impulses, whereby such thoughts are passively generated by our minds as a trusted coping strategy.

It’s not common for us to actively and/or consciously decide to listen to music. Rather, it just happens involuntarily.

This just shows how powerful and deep the connection is between our minds and music!

Make Sure The Type Of Music Properly Matches Your Mood!

No matter what type of mood we find ourselves in, there’s always some genre of music that can help us better process and manage our emotions.

Especially in this day and age, where there’s an abundance of various types of songs, it isn’t difficult for us to seek out those that resonate the most with our emotions.

In terms of resonating with our emotions, music can be divided into two main categories, that is 1. Positive or upbeat, and 2. Negative or dark.

More positive music will naturally resonate a lot more with those of us who in that particular moment are also in a more positive, light-hearted mood. Listening to such music will further elevate our moods.

On the other hand, people who are at any particular moment going through sad or negative emotions will find that listening to more negative music helps them better process and navigate through such emotions.

Photo by cottonbro studio:

Music’s ability to help us better process and manage our strong emotions only works when the type of music being listened to resonates with our emotions at the time.

The type of music must be in tune with our emotional states!

Listening To Music Should Be A Natural, Organic Act

Music truly is a powerful and effective tool for us to cope with our emotions. If utilized the right way, it can help us navigate through tough and challenging times throughout our lives.

More of us should seriously consider listening to music to help us navigate and process whatever strong emotions we may be going through.

However, we must remember that listening to music should be done organically. We shouldn’t force ourselves to listen to music if we genuinely don’t want to in that moment.

Forcing ourselves will be counter-productive and it’ll end up further complicating and worsening our strong emotions.

What about you guys? What genre of music do you rely on the most whenever you’re dealing with strong, turbulent emotions?

Do let me know in the comments. Thanks for reading!

Copyright Raveen Jeyakumar, 2024. All rights reserved.

