Here’s Why You Should Reject Kings

How The Royalty Is Regressive And Harmful!

Old Acc
Practice in Public
5 min readJul 8, 2024


Photo by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash

I strongly feel that we must end the regressive monarchy system in our societies.

I’m fully against having a monarchy and people who are considered royalty.

Everyone should be seen and treated as equal, without any special status or positions awarded to certain groups of people.

The whole monarchy concept is a prime example of feudalism, which sadly is still very much prevalent in some countries, and it should be abolished!

It Promotes Regressive, Harmful Thinking Within Society

Royal institutions still exist because we the common people still recognize those select, small groups of people as being higher in status than the rest of us.

We’ve unfortunately accepted this existing system as part of the natural order of things. We believe that the royals naturally deserve to be in higher positions than the rest of us and be held in high respect and admiration.

This type of thinking is regressive and harmful, as it makes these particular people more arrogant and instills within them a sense of superiority over the rest of us.

The royals will get easily corrupted by their high status and power, as tends to happen to all human beings.

Photo by Mike Bird:

They will genuinely feel that they:

  • Deserve better and more favourable treatment than everyone else.
  • Can flout the law as they please and they’re above such laws and punishments.
  • Deserve to have such great amounts of wealth, unlike the common people.

Given their high status and power, they can strongly influence the authorities and executive branches of government to treat them favourably and give in to their wishes.

Such Systems Cause Serious Damage To Society!

It’s these types of systems and ways of thinking that lead to:

  • Unfair and unjust treatment against the common people, unlike the royals who receive special treatment. The enforcement of the country’s laws and punishments becomes very much one-sided.
  • High inequality in terms of wealth and income between the elites and the rest of the population. While the common people suffer from financial and socioeconomic struggles, the royals continue to amass more wealth.
  • Various forms of corruption within society. The royals routinely abuse their position to engage in irresponsible dealings with prominent businessmen to further inflate their wealth, without caring about the impact on society and the environment.
  • Outright bullying and intimidation by some royals towards the average citizens simply because they can. Their egos are naturally inflated due to their high status and power such that they abuse their positions to bully the rest of us simply because it feels good.

In such situations, it’s always those who are poor and underprivileged who suffer the consequences of such actions and realities.

Photo by Zeyn Afuang on Unsplash

A Recipe For Disaster!

Over time, such problems if left unaddressed will lead to a lot of discontentment, strife, and conflict within society.

The common people will gradually begin to realize just how unfair and one-sided the current system is.

They will start observing how the royalty are given a lot of special treatment, and are insanely wealthy, while they struggle to make ends meet and are subject to strict punishments whenever they break the law.

In many cases, the common people who break certain laws aren’t bad or possess immoral intentions. Instead, they’re forced to commit such acts to sustain themselves given their desperation amid huge financial burdens.

As things worsen, especially the sheer level of inequality, the common people will become more and more angry as well as resentful towards the royalty and the elite class as a whole.

This can easily reach a tipping point, thus sparking unrest and an uprising against the monarchy. People will demand big changes to the status quo and things can easily turn violent!

Photo by Amine M’siouri :

Violence and chaos are the last things we all need. Such a course of action rarely brings positive results.

It All Starts With Greater Awareness

The most effective way to change things for the better is for the public to collectively push back against the monarchy and work towards removing such institutions.

This begins with the widespread raising of awareness amongst the people by activists and social-work organizations about the inherently unjust and regressive nature of the monarchy.

Only once people realize how wrong and harmful the whole concept of the monarchy is in the first place and their behaviour can mass efforts be undertaken to demand changes.

Such efforts should be peaceful and conducted tactfully and in accordance with the law, such as:

  • Launching widespread awareness campaigns on the need to end the monarchy system and the concept of royalty.
  • Submitting memorandums to the government and demanding our politicians to push for ending the monarchy and ensuring that everyone is treated equally.
  • Organizing protests against special treatment practices and the system’s unfairness and one-sidedness in enforcing justice.
  • Launching mass movements and collective action against all forms of corruption and the hoarding of wealth by the elites. A fair portion of such wealth should be distributed to society, especially to those who are poor and underprivileged.

Everyone Must Be Treated Equally!

Photo by Tingey Injury Law Firm on Unsplash

For our society to be truly fair, equal, and prosperous, concepts and institutions like the monarchy should be abolished. It’s high time we all realized this fact!

We all, especially our leaders, must adopt the mindset that everyone must be treated equally and no one should inherently be given any special status or position.

Only when our society treats all its citizens fairly and equally, can all of us be prosperous and achieve success.

What are your views on the monarchy system? Do you guys agree with my points on this issue?

Do let me know in the comments. Thanks for reading!

Copyright Raveen Jeyakumar, 2024. All rights reserved.

