How a Mentor Can Help You Crush Your Solopreneur Goals

Tips for approaching potential mentors and making the most of mentorship

Jenn C ✅️
Practice in Public
5 min readNov 7, 2023


Photo by Jeff Tumale on Unsplash

This guy started with a basic character and a few level zero items. He was weak and inexperienced, but he had the potential to be great.

As he explored the gaming world, it felt like all he did was hit obstacles, fail at quests and die at the hands of monsters too strong for him to handle alone. He died and re-spawned a lot. He did learn from his mistakes and he got a bit better with time.

At some point, he met a mentor. This mentor was an experienced player who at one point started at level zero as well. They offered to teach him the ropes, carry him through some high level dungeon quests and help him avoid the pitfalls that they fell into. With their help, he started to progress much faster. He learned new skills, acquired better gear, and he learned to crush monsters that he never could have defeated on his own.

Mentors are like cheat codes in real life. They give you access to knowledge and experience that you would never be able to gain on your own in such a short time period. They can help you avoid mistakes, save you time, accelerate your growth and help you achieve your goals much faster.

If you’re a solopreneur, having a mentor is essential. Solopreneurship is a difficult path, and it’s easy to get lost or discouraged along the way.

A good mentor can provide you with guidance, support, and motivation. They are there to give you tough love and harsh feedback when you need it. They can also help you connect with other solopreneurs. They have the potential to be the bridge between you and resources just out of reach.

You’re probably used to doing everything yourself. But the truth is, no one can succeed alone. A mentor can provide you with the guidance, support, and accountability you need to reach your full potential.

Why are mentors essential to solopreneurs?

There are many reasons why mentors are essential to solopreneurs. Here are just a few:

  • Avoid pitfalls
    Mentors can help you avoid common pitfalls. Most successful solopreneurs have made their fair share of mistakes. A mentor can help you learn from their mistakes and avoid making the same ones yourself.
  • Help you clarify goals
    Mentors can help you set and achieve your goals. A good mentor will help you clarify your goals, develop a plan to achieve them, and stay on track.
  • Feedback and insights
    Mentors can provide you with valuable insights and advice. A mentor who has experience in your industry can offer you unique insights and advice that can help you make better decisions and grow your business faster.
  • Network
    Mentors can help you build your network. Mentors can introduce you to other people in their network who can help you grow your business.

A mentor is someone who allows you to see the hope inside yourself.
- Oprah Winfrey

(Billionaire media executive and philanthropist Oprah Winfrey is best known for hosting her internationally popular talk show from 1986 to 2011)

How to find mentors

There are many places to find mentors. Here are a few ideas:

  • Ask your network.
    Your friends, family, colleagues, and former professors may know someone who would be a good mentor for you.
  • Attend industry events.
    Conferences, meetups, and workshops are great places to meet people who are successful in your field.
  • Reach out to people you admire.
    Don’t be afraid to reach out to people you admire and ask if they would be willing to mentor you. Even if they say no, you’ll have planted a seed and they may be willing to help you in the future.
  • Utilise Social Media
    Social media platforms are treasure troves of professionals and experts. Follow thought leaders and industry experts on platforms like LinkedIn, Twitter, and Instagram. Engage with their content, ask questions, and express your admiration for their work. This can open the door to meaningful connections.

Best ways to approach someone with mentor potential

Approaching a potential mentor is a delicate task. You want to make a lasting impression and convey your sincere desire to learn from them. Once you’ve identified a potential mentor, here are a few tips on how to approach them:

  • Do your research.
    Learn as much as you can about your potential mentor’s background and experience. This will help you personalise your approach and show that you’re serious about the relationship.

    Send a personalised message that highlights why you admire their work and how you believe their guidance would be valuable to your journey. Avoid generic messages; a thoughtful introduction shows you’ve done your homework.
  • Offer to Add Value
    Mentorship should be a two-way street. Express your willingness to contribute in some way. Whether it’s offering assistance on a project, sharing a useful resource, or even simply being an eager and respectful learner, showing your commitment can make you an appealing mentee.
  • Be respectful of their time.
    Remember that your potential mentor likely has a busy schedule, so be respectful of their time and don’t ask for too much too soon.

    Be concise and respectful of their time. If they agree to a meeting, come prepared with specific questions and a clear agenda.
  • Be clear about what you’re looking for.
    In your initial approach, be clear about what you’re hoping to gain from the relationship. What specific areas do you need help with? What kind of time commitment are you looking for?
  • Be willing to give back.
    A mentorship relationship is a two-way street. Be willing to give back to your mentor by offering your help and support in return.

In the world of solopreneurship, mentors are like your secret superpower, enabling you to level up in your entrepreneurial journey. So, embrace their guidance and wisdom, and you’ll find yourself making progress faster than you ever thought possible. In the game of life, mentors are truly an essential asset that no solopreneur should be without.

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