How I Build My Online Business With 3 Hours a Day

A guide to utilizing time to build your business

Andikan David
Practice in Public
3 min readJun 19, 2024


Photo by Nathan Dumlao on Unsplash

The idea behind a one-person business is that you have one thing.

When building a one-person business, the most important factor is the freedom to do whatever you want while making extra income from your business.

Most people remove this factor of freedom from the equation when building their online business.

The essence of building a business is to avoid the need to trade your money directly for time but instead, the amount of money you make should be measured in the value you provide.

An efficient online business should be able to provide a large amount of value in a very small amount of time thereby increasing the earning potential of the owner.

My college experience

I’m a student in college. I leave the house for my 8am class and come back late by 5pm.

Lately, I’ve been having a series of classes and then tests. My weekdays are filled up and then my weekends are also filled up because I have classes on Saturday.

Despite all this, I still managed to build my online business without having to compromise my education for the business.

In reality, you may not always have the time to spend building your business.

Not most people can spare eight hours a day to dedicate to building their business.

Even with the limited amount of time, it is possible to still make money without having to trade a large amount of time for it.

Here’s a step-by-step guide I use to build my online business with limited time

Step 1. Create systems

The most efficient way to build your business is to create systems.
Creating systems means you design parts of your business that can run without your input.

Creating a system doesn't mean you don't take part in the process but it means you're not taking an active part in the process and your business can run without you for some time.

If your business is not designed such that you can create systems out of it, you'll build a business that doesn't allow you the freedom to spend the money you made on what makes you happy.

Step 2. Break down the systems

The second step you need to do is break down your systems and group them into two major groups.

  • Onboarding clients
  • Delivering to your clients

Whatever the online business you’re building is you’d have a means of attracting clients to your business and then have a means of delivering to the current clients you have.

Your ability to automate one of these processes will give you the freedom you need even while building your business.
For my online business, what I do is use my writing as a means of onboarding clients.

So while I’m building an audience online, I’m also onboarding clients to my business through my writing but simply adding CTAs inside my pieces and then posting the articles online.

Writing may be a good means of advertising your business, but find whatever works for you and build a system around it.

3. Automation

Now you’ve found out the things you need to create systems around, you need to design them such that they function like a well-oiled machine without you being a significant part of the process.

One easy way of automating your systems is leveraging software.
Let’s say you want to build an email list. There are a couple of software out there such as Convert Kit that allows you to build your email list.

If you’re running a business that is service-based, you can use software such as Calendly to create a system around how customers book your service.


Building a business without the freedom to enjoy your life is more like an irony because the entire essence of building a business is to make money and still have time.

Utilizing systems to build your online business will increase your chances of freedom while building your business.



Andikan David
Practice in Public

Founder & CEO | I'll teach you how to build a profitable one-person business | Get my FREE Beginner's Guide⬇️