How I Built My $10k Per Month One-Person Business Starting With 15 Minutes Per Day.
Start small. Fail fast. Iterate quickly.
I’ve got a short attention span.
I’m easily distracted. I like shiny things.
I want to start something new every day.
But instead of fighting my nature, I manipulated myself to work hard.
Here’s how.
I start so small I don’t notice a difference.
I write for 1–2 hours per day.
But I started with 15 minutes.
Five years ago, I would sit down to write. Timer on. Fingers tapping. Once the 15 minutes was up, I was done for the day.
The dose makes the poison.
Like adding weights at the gym, I added more minutes to my writing sessions. I would write until I felt distracted. Stop. Try again tomorrow. The next month, I would add another minute.
I’d keep adding until I stopped timing myself.
At some point, I could just sit down and write. I’d condition myself to find writing pleasurable. I enjoyed the mental stimulation. The creativity. The ability to take an experience and distill lessons from it.