How I Built My Brand (Without Quitting the Day Job)

The simple version

Eve Arnold
Practice in Public


Photo by Christin Hume on Unsplash

It’s not your ambitions it’s the time horizons that need changing.

January 1st, 2018 diary entry: Make $1 million dollars this year.

You see, making $1 million isn’t out of reach, but within 365 days without any prior business experience or success, that was my issue. It was the time horizons I set for myself time and time again that would bite me in the butt.

And honestly, it destroyed my self-confidence. It wasn’t until I started getting serious about sustainable growth that things started to change for me.

I hated my 9–5

I was managing a team, in a programme that I didn’t care much for and it felt like every day was a total slog. It was an hour's commute each way, I didn’t feel like I was learning and I constantly found myself uninterested.

I’d had bouts of this for a few years, and each time I’d turn to get-rich-quick schemes as my way out. Of course, none of them worked and I was left more and more disappointed.

Something snapped in 2018 and decided instead of a drastic u-turn of quitting my job and going all-in, all I needed was a job I liked.

