How I Made $100,000 on the Internet This Year (As Part-Time Creator)

Steal everything I’ve learned

Eve Arnold
Practice in Public


Photo by Javier Peñas on Unsplash

A year ago I wrote about my strategy to build a $100k business on the internet alongside my full-time job.

Today I look back on what I did, what worked, what didn’t work, and how I managed to make $100,000 on the internet alongside my day job.

Long-form articles

Articles are close to my heart.

The plan for 2023 was to find my rhythm with writing articles alongside all the other stuff I wanted to do. The plan was simple:

  • x5 articles a week
  • 2 hours of writing on Mondays
  • 2 hours of editing on Tuesdays

I would use the ideas in my articles as iteration 1 for my newsletter. The aim was to refine the thinking for the newsletter, pull out the interesting parts, and make it a super clear, compelling piece (in less than 400 words) for the newsletter.

The long-form writing builds everything else.

For the most part, this was the case, although I didn’t stick to the Monday / Tuesday format. I find my writing is much better if I’m not constrained to certain days.

