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How I Write Up to 5,000 Words Per Day (With Ease)

Ayodeji Awosika
Practice in Public
Published in
8 min readFeb 9, 2023


I write the same damn blog post over and over again.

And I’ll keep doing it until you fuckers write more.

Here’s the next iteration, with pictures included to aid the words.

A Twist on a Common Cliche

People often say “quality over quantity.”

The prolific writer thinks quantity leads to quality.

A lot of writers — maybe you — suffer from something called Hemingway syndrome.

People with Hemingway syndrome are obsessed with creating the next Great American Novel. They toil away at their work in obscurity with the hopes that they’ll one day release their work to the world and readers will shower them with praise.

Often, this doesn’t happen. Instead, their perfectionism leads to “paralysis of analysis.” Their need for approval and hesitation cripples their productivity.

The prolific writer realizes creating more work leads to better work.

In his post on writing, bestselling author Mark Manson says you need to write 100 posts just to find your writing voice. He’s right. It’s better to write poorly first and hit the publish button than it is to wait until you’re an amazing writer before you put anything out there.

