How I Write When I Just Don’t Wanna

3 tools I use on my worst days

Cal Axe
Practice in Public


Photo by Nick Morrison on Unsplash

The act of stringing sentences together is difficult.

But by far, the hardest part about writing is sitting down in that chair.

On my worst days, it’s not the writer’s block that stops me. It’s that I don’t even get started. It’s like all of a sudden, I don’t feel the need to prioritize this thing that I’ve decided to prioritize.

There are usually two thoughts going on in my head.

“I don’t need to do that now. It can wait till tomorrow.”

“No matter what I write, people won’t like it. It’s nonsense anyway.”

The thoughts often win, and rationality loses.

Writing vs. The Monkey Brain

On days like these, “resistance days,” as I like to call them, I’ll open a book about writing from my library and search for inspiration.

Or at least an explanation.

I found a quote from Anne Lamott’s Bird by Bird. I actually highlighted this years ago, but it applies to this article.

“If you’re not careful, station KFKD will play in your head twenty hours a day, nonstop.” She writes.



Cal Axe
Practice in Public

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