How SOPs Can Save Your Sanity (and Your Business)

Use this strategy to organize your business processes

Victoria Adamu
Practice in Public
4 min readMay 22, 2024


SOP implemented in

You know, that feeling of going super fast but never quite getting anywhere? Maybe you answer the same questions over and over for new hires. Or different people do the same task in totally different ways, (that more often than not leads to confusion and mistakes).

If this sounds familiar, you’re not alone. Keep reading to learn how SOPs can save your sanity (and business)!

The Madness of Inconsistent Operations

Imagine running a burger joint, but everyone makes the hamburgers a little differently. Some chefs pile on the cheese, others go light on the tomato ketchup. They grill a batch, but they turn out a little burnt. Next month, you train another employee, and they come out underbaked! Ugh! This back-and-forth explanation is a total time suck, and the inconsistent burgers might upset your customers.

Inconsistent methods mean mistakes happen. A customer might get a burger loaded with onions when they specifically asked for none! Not cool.

The secret sauce recipe is locked away in John’s head, and nobody else knows it! If John takes a vacation, who makes the sauce then?

This, my friends, is the madness of inconsistent operations. It happens when businesses don’t have clear instructions, called SOPs (Standard Operating Procedures).

So, What Exactly Are SOPs?

SOPs are basically like a recipe for doing business tasks. They’re clear, step-by-step instructions that show everyone exactly how to do something the same way, every single time.

These process documents serve as a reference point for employees; whether it’s preparing a product, conducting a certain procedure, or handling customer inquiries. They provide a standardized approach that reduces the likelihood of errors.

Instead of having to figure out the best way to do something each time, employees can simply refer to the relevant SOP and follow the prescribed steps. This way, they focus on execution rather than decision-making.

On top of keeping things consistent, an SOP might include a safety protocol to make sure you’re following the law. Maybe there’s a regulation that says all sock displays need clear-size labels. Your SOP would mention this, keeping you on the right side of things.

Does My Business Need an SOP?

Not every business needs a manual, but yours might!

So, SOPs sound great, but are they right for your business? Well, that depends! Think of it this way: Do you have some tasks that get done over and over again, for instance processing customer orders, client intake and onboarding, or even document management? If your answer is yes, then you need a process document.

SOPs aren’t for businesses that are constantly changing things up every day. They’re more like a manual for tasks that stay the same. If you have a team and you find yourself explaining the same things over and over (like how to perfectly package those customer orders), then SOPs can be a lifesaver.

The real question is: Do you have some repetitive tasks that are duplicated every day?

How to Create a Simple SOP

  1. Identify Your Key Processes

Decide which job or task you want to make an SOP for. Focus on the most important, frequently repeated tasks that can benefit from clear instructions. It could be anything like:

  • Processing customer orders
  • Answering customer inquiries
  • Onboarding new employees
  • Handling returns or exchanges
  • Maintaining office equipment
  • Making a certain product

2. Don’t Forget the Why

Briefly explain the purpose of the SOP, especially for new employees.

3. Document the Steps, One by One:

Break down the job into easy steps. Start from the beginning and write down every single step needed for the process to be complete. Some tips for writing clear SOPs include;

  • Keep it simple. Use everyday language that everyone can understand.
  • Break down complex tasks into smaller, manageable sub-tasks.
  • Number each step for easy reference.

4. Say Who Does What

Responsibilities table for SOP

Write out roles and responsibilities to avoid confusion and to make sure everyone knows their part.

5. Spice it Up with Visuals

Liven up your SOPs with visual aids to make them more engaging and user-friendly. Here are some ideas:

Screenshots: For tech-related tasks, include screenshots that show exactly what needs to be done. Diagrams provide a clearer picture of tasks that involve physical layouts or equipment setups.

Flowcharts: For processes with multiple branches or decision points, a flowchart can help visualize the workflow.

6. Make Your SOPs Easy to Find

Store them in a central location that is accessible to everyone on your team. Here are some options:

Cloud Storage: Use platforms like Google Drive or Dropbox for easy online access.

Project Management Tools: Many project management tools like Asana, Trello, Wrike, ClickUp, or allow you to attach documents to tasks or projects. You can create a dedicated project or board for SOPs and attach relevant documents.

6. SOPs are a Living Document, Not a Museum Piece

Businesses are constantly changing, and your SOPs should too. Encourage your team to provide feedback on existing SOPs and suggest improvements. As your processes evolve, update your SOPs to reflect the latest way of doing things.

Thank you for reading! If you got value from this article, follow me for more content. Click on this link if you need help crafting SOPs for your business.



Victoria Adamu
Practice in Public

Airbnb cohost & VA | Project Manager | Expert | Wrike Workflows and Automation