How the Pomodoro Method Changed My Life Forever

A simple habit that made a big difference

J.O. Phine
Practice in Public
3 min readDec 29, 2023


Photo by Tangerine Newt on Unsplash

As someone who has always struggled with time management and finding the most effective way to work, discovering the Pomodoro Technique was a game-changer for me. This simple but incredibly powerful time management system has revolutionized how I approach my work, allowing me to work smarter, optimize my work process, and achieve more in less time.

What is it?

The Pomodoro Technique, developed by Francesco Cirilio, is based on a straightforward concept. Rather than trying to work for hours on end, constantly battling distractions and burnout, the technique encourages breaking work into short intervals known as Pomodoros.

Each Pomodoro entails 25 minutes (or whatever you decide) of focused work, followed by a short break. By working in these dedicated bursts of concentrated effort, my productivity has soared, and I am better able to manage my time effectively.

Benefits of the Method

Implementing the Pomodoro Technique has not only helped me eliminate burnout but also improved my ability to manage distractions. During each Pomodoro, I commit myself to focus solely on the task at hand, eliminating any multitasking or interruptions. I put my phone on silent, close unnecessary tabs on my computer, and create a quiet workspace.

This has allowed me to dive deep into my work and produce higher-quality results, all while avoiding the scatterbrained feeling that comes with constant task switching. I feel a small sense of victory with the completion of each Pomodoro session.

Recommendations for Settings

One of my favorite app to use is the Focus To-Do: Pomodoro & Tasks. There are many other apps available that have the same core features, so use whichever one has the easiest interface for you. My current settings are:

  • Pomodoro Length — 50 minutes
  • Short Break Length — 10 minutes
  • Long Break Length — 30 minutes
  • Long Break After — 2 Pomodoros

When I first started, I found these settings helpful:

  • Pomodoro Length — 25 minutes
  • Short Break Length — 5 minutes
  • Long Break Length — 15 minutes
  • Long Break After — 4 Pomodoros

Final thoughts

One of the most significant benefits of the Pomodoro Technique is its impact on my work-life balance. By dedicating specific periods of time to work and consciously taking breaks in between, I have found that I am happier, more fulfilled, and better equipped to maintain a healthy equilibrium between my professional and personal life.

Overall, the Pomodoro Technique has transformed the way I approach my work, allowing me to optimize my productivity and achieve a better work-life balance.

If you’re looking to enhance your time management skills, increase your focus, and work smarter, I highly recommend giving the Pomodoro Technique a try. It may just change your life, as it did mine.

Hi, I’m J.O. I write about living a healthy and peaceful existence amid the constant chaos of life. Follow me and subscribe to my newsletter to see more of me. Cheers!✨

