How To Build an Authority in Business

The secret to repeat business

Andikan David
Practice in Public
3 min readMay 5, 2024


Photo by Ruthson Zimmerman on Unsplash

Building an authority in your industry is one thing that makes you stand out from your other competition. When people see you as an authority, whatever you’re selling is of a higher value than what other people are selling even though it’s the same product.

Being perceived as an authority in the minds of your customers will increase your chances for sales.

When you think of a laptop brand that produces quality laptops, the first name that comes to mind is Apple.

When you think of a nice coffee shop where you can just go sit and relax and is still classy, the name that comes to mind may be Starbucks.

These brands have built some sort of authority in the minds of their customers so each time they need a product or a service, that company is the first brand that comes to mind.

Now you can’t do the large-scale branding these big brands do, but here are three ways to build authority amongst your audience

(1) Advertising

This is perhaps the quickest way to build authority in the minds of your customers.

I remember one time I was looking for a local shop around my area that branded paper bags. I had no idea which shop to patronize so I went on Google and Google showed me a list of shops around me that branded paper bags. I still didn’t know which one to choose.

I went on Instagram and I saw an ad for a particular shop that came among the list of google showed me. I thought:

"If they have an ad on Instagram then they probably know what they’re doing"
That’s the sentence your customers will feel when they see your ad on Instagram, especially if it’s well-designed. They’ll have this feeling that you’re just way above the rest of your competition even though you may be offering the same product.

Advertise your online product or services. Not only will you get customers but you’ll be considered an authority

(2) Podcasts/Webinar

You know it doesn’t take much to do a Podcast or a Webinar. You just need a camera, a microphone, maybe a laptop, and what you want to say.

But for some reason, if you have three people selling a course to you and one of those three people has a podcast series, you’d likely buy from the one with the podcast because you’ll assume that if he can present what he’s saying on a Podcast, then he must know what he’s saying.

The same works for a webinar. Getting in front of a camera to record isn’t something most people find interesting but doing this will portray you as an authority before your customers.

(3) Content

You can write content on various platforms about your topic of expertise. People will read your content if you really understand the topic you’re talking about.

Overtime, as you show up consistently giving valuable content, people begin to see you as an authority. This is perhaps the most common way to build authority but also the longest way


If you want your brand to stick to the minds of your customers, you may want to consider building an authority because they’ll continually buy from someone they believe is an authority.

If you’re looking to build an online business,get my freebie 3 ways to build a profitable online business



Andikan David
Practice in Public

Founder & CEO | I'll teach you how to build a profitable one-person business | Get my FREE Beginner's Guide⬇️