Self Improvement

How to Build Self-Esteem for Peak Productivity and Become Unshakable

Practical steps for boosting confidence and achieving strong, consistent performance

Blaise Ticha
Practice in Public


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Ever feel like you can’t get out of your own way?

Like that nagging voice in your head is keeping you from crushing your goals and being as productive as you know you can be? We’ve all been there. That jerk of an inner critic can seriously mess with your motivation, focus, and ability to get things done.

But here’s the thing — multiple research studies (like the one from Science Direct, PubMed Central and Sage Journals) show that higher self-esteem leads to setting bigger goals, pushing through challenges, and achieving more success overall. It’s a total game-changer when it comes to peak productivity.

Let me break it down with a real-world example.

You’ve got an important presentation coming up for that potential new high-profile client. With low self-esteem, you might spend more time stressing about forgetting your lines, rambling off-topic, or straight-up bombing than actually prepping your materials. Hello procrastination, anxiety, and a subpar performance when it really counts.

But with confidence? You go in believing you’ve got this. You know you’re an experienced public speaker who can captivate a room. You focus on highlighting your strengths, delivering fresh insights with poise, and walk away having knocked it out of the park — new client secured, and your boss singing your praises.

See what I mean? Self-esteem isn’t just a “feel-good” thing. It directly impacts some major productivity drivers:

  • Motivation to take action and step outside your comfort zone to embrace new challenges
  • Resilience to bounce back from setbacks and failures without getting derailed or quitting
  • Clear decision-making skills to trust your judgment and instincts
  • Ability to stay focused and avoid getting distracted or derailed by self-doubt

Remember: Building self-esteem is a journey, not a destination. Be patient with yourself and celebrate your progress along the way.

The High Stakes of Low Self-Esteem

The stakes are high when it comes to our self-esteem and productivity levels. Think about it — have you ever spent way too long obsessing over a negative work critique or piece of feedback from your boss? Feel like you can’t move on from that mistake you made on that project 6 months ago, and it’s held you back from putting yourself out there again?

That’s the voice of low self-esteem, keeping you stuck and making mountains out of molehills. It’s creating totally unrealistic standards that you’ll never be able to meet. With higher self-worth, you can take feedback or setbacks in stride, learn from them, and keep leveling up.

My Personal Self-Esteem Journey

I know from personal experience how crippling that inner critic can be. A few years back, I struggled with pretty brutal imposter syndrome after getting a job. My confidence was shot, and I spent months feeling like I didn’t deserve the job and would get “found out” as a fraud at any moment. Instead of diving in and proving myself, I held myself back big time out of fear of failing. Productivity? It totally tanked during that time.

Strategies to Build Unshakeable Self-Esteem

It wasn’t until I learned some key strategies to build up my self-esteem that I was finally able to silence those BS negative voices and get back to performing at my peak. Strategies like:

  • Celebrating small wins (no achievement is too minor to feel proud about!)
  • Challenging negative self-talk (shutting down that inner jerk ASAP anytime it pipes up)
  • Focusing on my strengths (we all have them — I leaned into what I’m good at)
  • Practicing self-compassion (we’re human, mistakes happen. Being kind to myself)
  • Setting realistic goals (shooting for the stars but making them step-by-step achievable)

It’s a process and a practice that’s honestly never complete, but stick with it. A longitudinal study from Ohio State University followed a group of adolescents for over a decade.

The research, published in the Journal of Research on Adolescence, found that teens with higher self-esteem at the beginning of the study reported greater academic achievement, career aspirations, and life satisfaction later in life. Self-esteem isn’t just a nice-to-have, it’s legitimately a key to lasting success, happiness, and being productive in a sustainable way.

What’s your experience with this? Ever struggled with self-doubt holding you back at work, in a job interview, or keeping you from taking on a new challenge? Or have some other self-esteem boosting tips beyond the ones I mentioned?

I’d love to hear your story and insights. Let me know in the comments! I’m all ears (or eyes in this case?). And if this resonated with you, give it a share! The more we talk about cultivating self-esteem as a productivity secret weapon, the more we can all uplift each other.

I’ll keep the insightful self-esteem and peak productivity content coming, so follow me to make sure you don’t miss the next installment. Let’s get confident and crush our goals together! Who’s with me?


  • Self-esteem and productivity are deeply connected — higher self-worth leads to more motivation, resilience, better decision-making and focus
  • Building self-esteem is an ongoing practice of celebrating wins, challenging negative self-talk, focusing on strengths, practicing self-compassion, and setting realistic goals
  • Self-esteem isn’t just a “feel-good” thing — it’s a key driver of long-term career and life success
  • Share your own self-esteem tips and experiences in the comments to keep the conversation going!



Blaise Ticha
Practice in Public

I'm a notion creator and a writer. I enjoy showing my work progress with people and also share some of my own tips to help anyone who comes across them.