How To Build Your Online Business Without Burning Out

Tips to help you stay consistent

Andikan David
Practice in Public
2 min readMay 26, 2024


Photo by Microsoft 365 on Unsplash

It’s hard to build a business.

Any kind of business has its share of difficulties. Building an online business is no different. Just because it is a digital business doesn’t mean the stress factor is completely removed.

Most online businesses such as writing follow a J-curve, this means there’s a period where the amount of effort you’re putting into the business isn’t equivalent to the results that you see.

At this point it's really easy to give up but then how do you build an online business without burning yourself out?

The roadmap

There will be times when it seems like you’re going nowhere, but the question is relative to what? Our expectations dictate our sense of progress.

So if we started a business with the mentality that in two months I’d already be making five figures it may be disappointing to realize that at the end of two months, you made $2,000.

Even though it’s important to set high goals, you need to set realistic goals that can be easily achieved. You need a roadmap.

A roadmap is just a plan you draft out and then add certain milestones. somewhere along the journey.

For example, let’s say I want to build a six-figure online business. I can set up a roadmap to build a six-figure business and then along the way I set up milestones.


Milestones help you realize that you’re making progress. It’s easy to feel like you’re going nowhere but setting sizable milestones helps you realize you’re making progress.

For example on your roadmap to build a six-figure online business, you can set monthly milestones of making $1,000 every month. This may be a difficult goal for a beginner, but this is a sizable goal.

You could set a target amount that may be smaller than that. The aim is to set a sizable goal along your journey to achieve your actual goal, so that you can track the progress you’re making.

Building a business may take an amount of time and everybody gets to that point where they feel like nothing is working and give up.

Creating a roadmap and setting up milestones along this roadmap keeps you on track and helps you to not burn yourself out.



Andikan David
Practice in Public

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