How to Care for Your Eyes While Creating Online.

Especially when you fail to follow the screen timer’s warnings.

Samra Junaid
Practice in Public
3 min readFeb 23, 2024


The active screen time on my phone. Considering I do most of my work on a Laptop, it is unhealthy for my eyes—photo of a Screen Timer Application by Writer.

I have tried quite a few screen-time monitoring applications. Set alarms on all applications to be notified of my usage.

Given that most social media applications allow users to set a maximum daily usage time, there are enough options to self-control our mobile addiction. Still, I am bad at it.

In the last few weeks, I have had sore eyes more days than I can count.

When I used to work a 9–5, my eye specialist suggested that I monitor my time usage. The only difference from that time is I spend more time on Instagram than WhatsApp, which was my go-to application for communication. Please don’t ask me the reason for scrolling Instagram.

Since I failed to control my screen usage, I have a few time-tested methods to keep my eyes moist and healthy.

Before you read further, please note that these remedies apply only to dry eye problems. The problem is a common outcome of eyes glued to the screen for a long time.

1- Use artificial tear drops

One cause of dryness in the eyes is insufficient release of tears from the tear ducts.

Therefore, a wise move is to use artificial tear drops to supplement the needed lubrication in the eyes. This is what my eye specialist suggested after a thorough checkup.

2- Meditate

To heal the eye, you need to stop using it. Since closing the eyes makes sense only when sleeping or performing another activity, I have embraced meditation as my norm.

Sitting with your eyes closed for at least 20 minutes daily will relieve your eye soreness and lower your stress levels. Sounds like killing two birds with an arrow.

Photo by Alexandru Zdrobău on Unsplash

3- Cold compress

Lying down with a cold compress when your eyes are burning is the best home remedy. It will also ensure you are relaxed for a minimum of 10 minutes — a must for relieving eye soreness.

4- Limit your screen time

As said earlier, every social app has a built-in time monitor. You can set a limit for daily usage and ask to be reminded after specified intervals.

For Instagram, follow this procedure.

  • Click the three-dash icon on the right-hand side of your mobile phone screen.
  • Go to “Your activity”, then scroll down to click on “Time Spent”. You will see three options to monitor your usage.
  • Set a daily limit per your preference and the application’s daily importance.
  • You can also set a “Break reminder” to break the doom scrolling habit. Also, put a “Quite mode” to not receive notifications and set up an auto-responder.

5- Consult a doctor

If the problem persists for more than a week, consult a good eye specialist.

As per my experience, the problem should not last a day if you actively do the above.

How often do you experience eye problems due to prolonged screen time?

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Samra Junaid
Practice in Public

I am practicing reflective writing. Follow along if it interests you!