How to Clarify Your Brand’s Voice

And align it with your primary customer avatar

Yash Khullar
Practice in Public
2 min readJan 16, 2024


Generated with DALL·E

I recently pitched my email marketing services to my ex-boss.

The company in discussion had the following Instagram bio:
Pro Audio and Visual Rental Solutions

Their introductory document termed the company as a:
360-Degree Audio-Visual Rental Company

I crafted a sample email based on the tone used to describe the company.

And to align it with the company’s description, I used a professional and upmarket tone.

Here was the feedback: “This business isn’t very upmarket. And our primary customer might take a second to understand the description.”

I know it sounds contradictory, but he does have a diverse clientele.

However, his primary customer isn’t upmarket.

To solve this, I asked him a simple question —
“What do most of your customers ask for when they call you?”

Answer — “We need a sound setup, and if you do design stages, we need that too.”

The solution to his problem was right there.

I asked him to change the one-liner to: Sound & Stage Rental Company

You see the difference between —

  • Pro Audio and Visual Rental Solutions, and…
  • Sound & Stage Rental Company

Other than serving his primary customer, the second one has a bonus.

It rolls off the tongue easily.

This might sound like a small thing, but it’s huge when it comes to defining your brand’s voice.

Takeaway —

Listen to how your primary customer defines your company and switch your brand’s voice accordingly.



Yash Khullar
Practice in Public

Brand Voice Architect & Storyteller // I help brands develop a compelling voice that resonates with audiences and achieves business goals.