How To Deal With People Who Get On Your Nerves

Six Strategies to See Them Differently

Laurie Wolt
Practice in Public


Photo by Yogendra Singh on Unsplash

I wanted to unleash my fury like Will Smith on Chris Rock. I was infuriated with a woman who angers me often and makes me want to pull out my hair.

Suzie wanted to approve an email I was writing before I sent it.

I don’t work for her. Actually, Suzie and I collaborate — we work for different organizations. And I didn’t have time to get her approval.

I just wanted to get my work done.

Sometimes other people make us angry. They rub us the wrong way, express themselves in ways we don’t appreciate, and do things that make our life more difficult.

This happens to everyone. Think about the conversations you had with others in the past 24 hours. I bet you spoke to someone who complained about their frustration with someone else.

In the past 24 hours, I spoke with my husband, who is frustrated with the kids roaming the halls in his high school. I spoke with my coworker who is wondering why her 20-year-old daughter is acting as if a section of her home belongs to the daughter and her boyfriend. My daughter would like her roommates to do a bit more housework.



Laurie Wolt
Practice in Public

Searching for strategies to create meaning, connection and depth in life.