How to Get Paid Daily

And why Medium is a perfect platform for that.

Mich Chow
Practice in Public


I had one of these when I was young, just slightly larger and, well, broken. Photo by Andre Taissin on Unsplash

I recently revisited this idea of “getting paid daily” and have been mulling over it since.

Just the idea of it sounds so good right?



Money in the bank baby.


The curse of a typical Asian upbringing

I’m just kidding, obviously, I’m blessed to have had the childhood I had.

But in the context of getting paid, I can’t fathom the thought of depositing money in the bank every single day. Whether it’s from selling stuff online or offline, getting ad revenue from blogs or YouTube, or *coughcoughs* something like writing on Medium.

I mean, I know it happens and I’m sure it’s possible. It’s just that no one around me or close to me in my life has ever done it.

You see, I come from a typical middle class Asian background. Father was a white collar worker, mom a housewife. My brother went on to climb the corporate ladder as well.

None of that ever jived well with me.

No cubicles for me “nuh uh!”



Mich Chow
Practice in Public

An ex-coffee binger and a recovering procrastinator. This is where I process my curiosity.