How To Improve Your Emotional Health With This Activity

Just five minutes a day

Andriika Clark-Lewis
Practice in Public


Photo by Adrien Robert on Unsplash

Our emotional health is an important aspect of our overall health. It is not separate, it is a piece of it. So here’s how to improve your emotional health by doing this one activity 5 minutes a day.

Before you start, understand that the situation, person, or event is not your enemy. What you are feeling is your thoughts and perceived assumptions about the situation.

Ask questions — what did they mean by that comment? Why am I feeling this way? How am I viewing the situation, person, or event? Noticing what setting your emotional lens is currently on will help you become aware of what’s happening and why you are feeling the way you are.

“The unexamined life is not worth living.” — Socrates

Self-reflection is the best activity to improve your emotional health. The ability to sit down and think about your thoughts, emotions, and actions can drastically change how you live and what you do. We all are alive, we all exist. Some people feel more than others. Regardless, learning how to manage, express, and improve your emotional help can cause a domino effect in the other wellness areas of life.

We all have seen or know someone who is not in control of their emotions. This can be scary…



Andriika Clark-Lewis
Practice in Public

Teacher at heart, Lover of long walks, dogs, learning, music, art, pizza, nature, Personal development, and Spirituality.