How to Increase Your Email Marketing Chat Replies? Why Direct Messages on Social Media Are More Effective

A Method to Increase CTR in Social Media Direct Messages

Ricky Romadona
Practice in Public
7 min readJul 15, 2024


Have you ever felt annoyed that thousands of emails sent go unanswered? In the era of AI that dominates the chat content of marketers today, how to increase your email marketing chat replies will be an important guideline for digital marketers.

Photo by Stephen Phillips - on Unsplash

64% of small businesses use email marketing for prospecting (Campaign Monitor, 2021) the reason is of course because this is minimal cost and closer to those who are starting to have brand alerts.

But how big is the chance of a response? If you want to make sales, maybe email marketing without a sales program is nonsense and wastes your energy.

Surely the story of this failure comes to your mind.

I can say that maybe just under 10% of the people take action on the marketing emails you send.

Photo by Carlos Muza on Unsplash

Increasing Email Marketing Chat Replies Through Illustration

Email marketing itself is an effort by a digital marketer to approach potential buyers or prospects, which is based on data from website visits.

In the illustration, you will email every user who has visited your website. Is this optimal? Of course not 100%, but experts are making various efforts so that this action brings results.

Illustration Strategies to Boost Email Chat Engagement

The problem is engagement, how do these digital marketers professionals increase their involvement efforts? There are several important things that you must do here.

1. Use compelling visuals

A boring email will rarely be interesting to read.

Photo by Brett Jordan on Unsplash

Just imagine when you receive an email, you don’t know who it is from, and there is nothing that encourages you to read it, will you continue to read it? Of course not.

Providing a little visual design will be crucial to encouraging your email reading targets.

It will also be better when you highlight products or ongoing promo programs.

Photo by Thomas Park on Unsplash

2. Highlight product features

You need to create a “hook” in your email marketing.

Boring emails will be missed, even reluctant to be read.

Starting from the title, use inviting words. Also use emojis, what’s wrong?

Then fill in the email, use an attractive visual design, and highlight your current promotional program.

Or if you have a new post on your blog page, tell them the essence and value of the post, and why those who receive the email need to read it.

3. Give a break in doing email marketing

You need to take a break from sending emails, this is important to do.

Photo by Drew Coffman on Unsplash

Surely you wouldn’t want it if your potential buyer left because he felt annoyed because of your spammy email?

I highly recommend you to send it 2 times a week. This is much better, as not everyone will use his email all the time, especially for those aged 18–22.

This is just an illustration of how conventional methods of email marketing are used. Nowadays almost 80% of people would prefer to spend their time on social media rather than opening their emails.

I say this is very old-fashioned and conventional because email marketing is a one-way method, and more likely to lead to spam.

Effective Techniques for Direct Messages on Social Media

This time I will invite you to do a maneuver by utilizing this email marketing method on social media.

Photo by dole777 on Unsplash

The reason is obvious because mobile users are much higher and they will spend a lot of time on social media.

But you have to pay attention to a few important things when you are going to use this method.

1. Platform selection

The first thing that needs to be done in this condition is to choose a platform that suits your potential audience.

If you find it difficult, decide on a social media platform. Use Semrush to find out the traffic source of your competitors. There you will find various traffic sources that can be used, using your competitor’s data.

2. Focus on friendship

Once you’ve found the right platform, the basic thing you must understand is to focus on your network of friends.

Photo by Duy Pham on Unsplash

You will no longer do the conventional method of messaging. This time you have to build a relationship first, your friendship here will be a valuable asset in the future. Don’t believe it? Just give it a try!

3. Build your social media profiles

The next step is to build your profile as best as possible. Make sure it is done transparently.

If you represent an agency, describe it on your profile.

Filling in content about the advantages of the product and also your opinion will be very important here. Just use a portion of 50% each for these two things.

Make sure your profile is very relevant, to convince your target audience.

4. Interaction

Focusing on interaction is the best option here. That’s why your exposure will increase with interaction.

Photo by Bastian Riccardi on Unsplash

Choose interactions with your target market only. If you are struggling, join the discussion relevant to the product or target market niche.

Give feedback from every comment or post. This is very important.

5. Start direct messaging

When you’re already friends with someone, approach them with direct messages.

Your message after the introduction, must be with a short and clear explanation.

Just imagine what they think, when they know that you are part of a product they like or know. It would be very high, wouldn’t it be a percentage of them replying?

For example:

Let’s say you work on a Rolex Watch, and you’ve done some of the things I mentioned above. When you message like this:

“Hi [username] I see you seem to be interested in watches, I work at Rolex and if you’re interested I’ll give you a 5% discount on your first purchase”

You can continue this conversation.

When you implement this method, we are collaborating on 2 methods: the first is email marketing and the second is direct sales. You can also capture feedback directly.

The development here is very extensive, you can use AI chatbots if later your friends are increasing. Like influencers on platform X, they use chatbots to send their direct messages.

Visual Content in Social Media DMs for Better Interaction

Don’t forget that you need to make some other efforts to optimize the reply. Using some of the guidelines below will certainly be very helpful!

1. Use eye-catching images and GIFs

Use an attractive visual image, you need to prepare it in advance. Spend 30 minutes each week using Canva. This will be easier with Canva.

Photo by Ben White on Unsplash

2. Promotional programs

What drives the success of this program is the agreement of your company in making promotions.

Photo by Artem Beliaikin on Unsplash

This will encourage the buying interest of your potential buyers.

Be clear about your goals, and remember a good promo is the one used by potential buyers.

3. Value or highlight

You may only be sending information, and this can be applied by highlighting your important information.

For general information, you can use posts on social media. But if you embed a value, you can DM.

4. Call to Action

Don’t forget this in your message.

This is an important thing that you must do, sometimes these potential buyers are confused as to why you make contact. But with this CTA it will be all clear.

So we’ve learned how to increase your email marketing chat replies well using social media. It combines two methods: email marketing and personal selling. Each of your social media will continue to grow, this way you can also get closer to potential buyers.

If you’re interested in content like this, don’t forget to follow me on Medium. And if you want content like this, you can contact me on Fiverr.

