How to Stop Chasing and Start Living

The power of now

Eve Arnold
Practice in Public


Photo by Thought Catalog on Unsplash

I love the idea of being better.

I love the notion of working on yourself, to become the best version of yourself, to strive for more, to push the boundaries, to live the life you want to live.

I love it. Like love, love it.

But there are a few bones I have to pick with self-help, a few ideas that keep you chasing and stop you from living. Here they are and here’s the rewrite.

1. You don’t need a transformation

I’ve lost count of the number of times I’ve sat myself down to have a stern conversation with myself about the trajectory of my life.

I’d list out all the things that needed to be different, from my diet to my exercise regime, to my mindset, to my well-being.

I’d end up with this long list of things to change, things to do.

The result? I’d give up after a day.

The lesson I’ve learned is that you actually don’t need a huge transformation to change your life, you just need a few degrees of change.

Little and often is a much better mantra.

2. Success isn’t a medicine

