How to Use Your 9 to 5 Job to Find Your Niche

Finding a niche that’s right under your nose.

Sharon Singh Sidhu
Practice in Public


Photo by Rabie Madaci on Unsplash

One of the most common questions to starting a business is, ‘How do I identify my niche?’

You might have heard the holy grail of a profitable niche is the intersection of:

  • What you’re good at doing
  • What you love doing
  • What the market will pay you for

Finding this intersection is a process and continues to evolve on your entrepreneurial journey.

It’s not something you’ll know at first, so allow it to continually evolve as you grow and discover new things about yourself and what people need and want.

If you work full-time, you can use your job to help identify your niche.

I always find it useful to see examples of how other people are applying what they’re learning in real time, so I thought I’d share how I used my 9 to 5 job to identify my niche.

What you’re good at doing

Do you know what you’re good at doing in your job?

Throughout my career, I’ve often been involved with writing.

Whether that’s writing company policies, emails, or reports, I’m always writing something.

