How to Write in Public When You’re Scared

Apply these 2 simple tips to drive your worrying to action.

Dorothea Dwomoh
Practice in Public
2 min readMay 31, 2023


Illustration by author

Writing this article was maddening.

For days, I’ve fiddled with the structure, sentences, and words. I consulted 50 writing advice articles to refine it, nearly stripping my voice in the process.

It’s never going to be “ready,” so I’m releasing it.

I’m terrified, but instead of researching how to fight this fear, I asked, “Why am I doing this? What do I stand to lose?”

Two ideas emerged that helped me get out of my head and press publish. Hopefully, these insights make you do the same.

Think of the dead reader

It’s the reader with a distant expression, mindlessly scrolling past articles. Maybe they click on one, skim it, and give it a pity clap. They do this monotonously. The bland articles fail to spur their emotions.

But then they see your catchy headline. Intrigued, they stop scrolling and click. The intro bites. They’re pulled into a world where it’s only your words and them.

They relate to what you wrote and jerk up, having an epiphany. They pause to ponder your sentences, nod vigorously, and eagerly highlight your article.

Your article ignites feelings in them. You made them feel alive.

Imagining a bored reader who needs your articles to captivate them can motivate you to post. If you don’t post, the reader may stay dead. Only by sharing your work can you discover if you can truly move them.

Expose your writing. Think of the dead reader. Your words can revive them.

Root your fears in reality

Posting today is scary. Postponing it for the future is still scary, as you’ll wonder what will happen when you do.

No matter your actions, fear persists. Trying to control or mitigate it only intensifies it. It’s what you do with the fear that matters, not your attempts to cure it.

If you’re scared regardless, why not post? Nothing can go wrong. Here’s why:

  • Your article gets 0 views. Great, you exposed yourself at no cost. You took the first step in secret. You could try again now that you have experience.
  • Your article gets 5, 10, 20, 100 views and is growing. Great, your article is reaching people. It’s awakening dead readers.

Tens of thousands of articles are posted daily. A million every month. If so many people can publish their writing–whether bad, decent, or stellar–then writing publicly is not as daunting as it seems.

Final Thoughts

Don’t trap your article inside your overthinking head. Post it to unlock its magic and connect with those who crave it.

Writing online exposes everyone to fear, including you, and quieting it is harder than you think.

Lean into the fear instead. Give yourself the chance to see what happens.



Dorothea Dwomoh
Practice in Public

I write about the science of self-care and how journaling can make you a better human.