How to Write Medium Blog Posts That Go Viral (4 Simple Principles to Explode Your Views)

Absolutely no fluff

Francis Ekwunife
Practice in Public
3 min readAug 16, 2024


Photo by Sebastian Pandelache on Unsplash

I know what it feels like to put your entire soul into a post hoping it’ll go viral, but when you check again the next day, you only have 10 views.

It can be crushing.

Hours of painful writing and research down the drain. I used to be in your shoes. But I figured out a way to write viral Medium Blog posts.

Let’s go:

Aim to be semi-controversial

You mustn’t make your post too spicy.

But you must make your stance on a topic and state your reason why. Or you can write about why you don’t like an idea in your niche.

For example,

You can even write about whether or not you agree with Remi’s recent growth to 179K followers in 3 months. Or if you believe she uses AI or not.

But the idea is don’t overdo it.

  • Overly controversial writing picks a fight with people.
  • Semi-controversial writing makes a stand on a topic.

Go semi-controversial and watch the views roll in.

Have a good format

These things make your writing terrible:

  • Long links
  • Disclaimers,
  • Too many links
  • Huge paragraphs
  • Too many images
  • Too much self-promotion
  • Lots of calls to action at the end

Viral writing is simple. And the benefits are clear.

Let your research and pre-thinking lead to basic wisdom your readers find helpful, and watch your post go as viral as people watching a SpaceX rocket launch.

Grab attention

Nail your headline.

You’ll never go viral if you’re afraid of the clickbait word because a headline is only clickbait when it doesn’t deliver on the promise.

So spend 50% of your time writing your headline.

Don’t make it an afterthought. Nail it. Write it. Rewrite it. Make it look uncommon and add powerful words.

Generic stuff gets skimmed over.

But the most viral blog posts have great headlines.

And when you’re done with your headline. Don’t fluff about. Just get to the point.


  • Overexplain
  • Write 40-minute intros,
  • Add too much disclaimer

Assume every word could cause your reader to click away. Respect their time and realize their attention is precious.

Care about your readers

Most writers fail because they only think about themselves. They only care about the money they’ll earn or the claps they’ll get.

I started writing in 2023. And I don’t care if my work goes viral. I write to help my readers and inspire them.

Don’t be selfish because writing isn’t about you.

So answer the question, “What’s in it for my reader” in every blog post.

Either write because your readers are self-interested or write to spark and fill their curiosity.

Do this and they’ll find your content irresistible.

Final thought

Your writing gets shared widely when you’re selfless.

And it’s more fun when you gain traction.

Do you agree with my principles? Tell me why in the comments.

P.S. Get my free email course and join 24 others growing their newsletters.



Francis Ekwunife
Practice in Public

Posts about: Self-improvement, writing online, and growing your newsletter. Free newsletter growth course: