I Am a Doctor. Why Do I Waste Time Writing on Medium?

Dr. Julian Barkan
Practice in Public
Published in
5 min readMay 5, 2023


The reasons I have found Medium to be the complete opposite

Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash

I remember the assignment vividly from my 12th grade English class. We knew we would have to write an essay for the test but we had no clue what the topic would be.

“There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so.”
Write an essay on what Hamlet means when he says this.

I wrote some existential piece on how I was so worried about the test, but now that I was writing the paper, it was my thinking that made me stressed not the act of writing itself. I think I got a B-.

Neither that essay nor anything after high school made me think that writing was ever in my future. After all, my goal after college was to become a doctor. I had to focus on that since getting into medical school was so difficult.

But as I sit here now writing, it is amazing to think that after a hard academic journey, writing is one of the things that brings me the most inner peace.

I have come to realize that the things we train for, the things we aspire towards, even when they take up so much of your life, never define you fully. Humans are complex creatures. Part of that complexity, in comparison to the rest of the animal kingdom, is our own self awareness and…



Dr. Julian Barkan
Practice in Public

Family Med Physician/Learner/Reader. Writing to express my thoughts, sometimes teach, and mostly learn. Editor of Flipping the Script/Patient Perspectives