I Asked What He was Called — He Answered “Chris”

Aisha Ibrahim (ZP)
Practice in Public
Published in
3 min readJan 19, 2023

I asked what he was called. He answered “Chris.”

He handed me the brown paper bag with its unmistakable green logo with gentle, twinkling grey eyes that danced in concert with the smile on his lips.

Let me back up a bit.

I stepped on the brake every so often behind other cars. We formed this slow and lazy conveyor belt with an undecided mind to be still at one moment or put its best foot forward and make a fast dash — at the speed of snail.
I finally got to the intercom and wound my glass down.
The slightly chilly mid-morning breeze glided by, accompanied by the background music of clinks and clanks, hisses, and pitchy whistles of an Espresso machine — signs of order fulfillment.

“Good morning” was followed by “what can I get you today?”
The voice behind the intercom was courteous, calm, and non-harried. A huge departure from the otherwise strained and high-pitched ones with that customary accusatory tone of being a bothersome and irritating customer.
I got my order selected and slowly resumed my part in the conveyor belt of cars around the drive-through.

The see-through order and pickup shutter window parted. The espresso machine sounds were now louder because of my proximity.
Roasted coffee and latte playfully assaulted my nose; each taking turns to show its dominance in quick succession.
He came around with the card reader and a disarming smile. I made payment while he simultaneously busied himself with the last steps in fulfilling my order.

He handed me the brown paper bag with its unmistakable green logo with gentle, twinkling grey eyes that danced in concert with the smile on his lips.
I asked him what he was called, and he said “Chris.”
I thanked Chris for his humane service.
For being courteous and kind.
For having the decency to place my order in a bag and not hand it to me without a care if it dripped all over.
For including well-folded paper napkins along with my order.
I asked him why he went out of his way to do all that and he said — without missing a beat — “because it’s the right thing to do”, and “ I’d like to be treated that way too.”
I told him that he was the FIRST person in over three years who had “gone out of his way” to deliver my order in such a fashion.
And for that, I was grateful.

I shan’t forget Chris or what he represented at that very moment.
He embodied the true spirit of service and it came from within like a gently bubbling spring.
I hope for people like him to be noticed and celebrated by all,
especially his employer -STARBUCKS.
I hope that businesses or brands consciously employ people who share and demonstrate their values and goals, and don’t depend on luck, like shooting darts in the dark and hoping to strike bull's eye!
Chris should be the norm and not the exception.

My order tasted deliciously different today.
Chris added a secret sauce called genuine customer service.
And yes, I tipped him generously.

Thanks and come by again!

