I Don’t Get It — Why 90% of Writers Hate Their Drafts — When It’s Such a Goldmine.

Learning to tap the power of the uncensored will reveal that what scares you the most is your biggest ally.

Lipika Sahu
Practice in Public


Image: Pexels

I am that dung beetle who relishes the warm, squishy dung when people screw their noses in disgust.

I'm sorry if I spoiled the taste of your last meal; I meant that while most writers find their drafts repulsive (like fresh dung), I adore mine.

Because it is my me-time.

— when I am 100% me, when I am not under any scanner, and not hammered by the thoughts of — how does this sound, how will the reader interpret it, etc. — the usual parroting of online writing.

I enjoy this time so much that it is the first thing I do every morning — opening the creative conduits to let the thoughts gush out of a brimming mind — no crap, all gold.

Why are drafts so hated?

I have shifted 9 houses to date. Yup. So, if you have experienced shifting, you must know that when your stuff reaches the new place, you don’t arrange it immediately; you simply dump it.

Moving and shifting are not one and the same thing.

Most writers get this…

