I Made One Small Tweak To My NICHE And Gained 6,300 New Followers

It’s probably not what you think

Jon Svec
Practice in Public
2 min read2 days ago


Photo by Fuu J on Unsplash

Things had been stagnant.

I was putting in the work, for sure.

Daily posts on social media, a weekly newsletter, all of it.

But I wasn’t growing.

Until I made this one small tweak.

The Backstory

I write online about the sport of football.

Canadian football, to be exact.

I post tips about schemes and techniques, and I write a newsletter for people looking for a deeper dive.

My audience was small, but passionate.

Even so, I had hit a plateau and couldn’t move past it.

Until I made the switch.

The Tweak

One day I decided to make a small adjustment to my NICHE.

Instead of writing about the entire sport of Canadian football, I narrowed my focus and began writing about one specific position.

The Linebacker position.

And things skyrocketed.

I had never seen so much engagement.

Mostly on Twitter/X.

I went from 4,000 followers to over 10,000 (and growing).

Every post was going “viral” (by my modest standards).

And my newsletter subscriptions more than doubled from 600 to over 1,500.

All by narrowing my focus.

It was amazing.

Final Thoughts

NICHE is an interesting thing.

You would think that narrowing a NICHE would result in a smaller pool of potential followers.

But the exact opposite happened to me.

Now everyone knows exactly what they’re getting when they click that follow button.

It has exploded my engagement.

What could narrowing your focus do for you?

