If Your Work Isn’t Being Read, Ask These Simple Questions

And you’ll find out why

Glyn Bawden
Practice in Public


Photo by bruce mars on Unsplash

I have a drafts file that is full. There are perhaps 100 articles on there at various stages of completion.

I try and publish several times a week but I’m at the stage now where enthusiasm is waning as another article disappears into the ether, blowing like a tumbleweed across the desert of Medium.

Yesterday, I was scrolling through my drafts when I had a lightbulb moment.

I read the headline I’d written and asked myself these questions;

  • Who is this aimed at?
  • Is it clear from the headline?
  • What problem does it solve?

The answer to all three questions was a resounding

I don’t know

Here’s an example.

A draft article had the headline;

“An Alarming Truth That Hit Me When I Got Lost on a Housing Estate”

Who would look at that and think

That’s an article that would benefit me.?

What problem does it solve?

It doesn’t.

So, why should the reader, who is investing their valuable time in your articles, spend…



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