If You’re a Writer You Need to Read This for 2024
This is for you if you‘re serious about being a writer this year.
Disclaimer: This whole piece is also a reminder to myself.
If you’re like me and constantly find yourself consuming content all the time, you need to read this before the new year excitement wears off.
Stop consuming, start creating.
There are enough words in your mind to fill books. You just have to translate them onto paper (or digital paper since most of us write by typing now), arrange them in a cohesive manner and publish them online somewhere. In other words, you need to share your thoughts with the world.
From thought to published work
How do we transform an idea from a meagre thought in our brain into the mind of someone else in the world?
Short answer: we share it, and we share it often.
Long answer… well, that’s the point of this article isn’t it?
Step one: STOP.
And I mean it, just stop.
Stop reading article after article after article.
I know how ironic it is, writing an article about writing and asking you to stop reading articles…