Increase Your Productivity by Reverse Engineering Parkinson’s Law

The time management secret hidden in plain sight

Danny Oak
Practice in Public


Photo by RODOLFO BARRETO on Unsplash

Work expands so as to fill the time available for its completion.
-Parkinson’s law (Cyril Northcote Parkinson)

For over a decade, I’ve had this quote printed on a strip of paper and taped to my computer screen, reminding me that I don’t need to work after hours (and by “me” I mean my boss).

The Story

Cyril Northcote Parkinson was a British naval historian and author. He published dozens of books, including his best-seller Parkinson’s Law, in which Parkinson shared with the world his most famous words “Work expands so as to fill the time available for its completion”, a Law that made him an authority in public administration and management.

When it was first published in the 1950s, this law explained through a mathematical equation how bureaucracies expand over time:

image from

Basically, Bureaucracy (x) equals 2 times Greed (K) raised to the power of Laziness (m), plus Soul-Crushing Labor Years (P), all divided by God Knows What Actually Got Done (n).



Danny Oak
Practice in Public

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