30# Grind’n’Hustle

Is a World With Less “Self-awareness” Easier?

Clout is a tragic potential for those who aint shit!

Ikada Mario
Practice in Public


Photo by hay s on Unsplash

I start this article by telling you this;

When did people first use money

Today we use money to buy things. But when trade began thousands of years ago, there was no money. So people exchanged goods. The invention of money made trade much simpler.

The first metal coins were minted in about 800 BC. Metal coins, especially gold and silver ones, have real value, but paper money is merely a token. The paper is worthless. Paper money was used in China by AD 800.

The purpose is to trade and the use is limited. The invention was to make things simpler and as time went by it was capitalized by the authority or government and now known as currency.

That’s the most simple explanation about money.

The sentiment

The sentiment is in this so-called “new world”, in this modern era, the arbitrary Internet mindset, the new money era — young people are often taught via Internet apps to proportionate the purpose of money as a benchmark of life achievement…

Before I go further I want to make things as clear as my beard serum bottle;

  • I need money to move forward.
  • I want money to have some fun.
  • I’d like my money to stay in my right pocket during emergencies.
  • I’d love my money to be safe in the Banks.

My bottom line is I'm not a retarded idiot who thinks money is only for people who want to do evil in this world. I believe there is nothing wrong with hustling in any shape matter; some of it is hard for me to understand but I'm still willing to understand.

I get it.

I get it when people say money nowadays is everywhere ever since the Internet blossomed. Money is now also in different shapes such as crypto and therefore I also understand new playground must be provided.

So the term “money is everywhere” is well understood by me.

Make more money, make life easier. Make less money, the bill comes out of nowhere. No money means hungry, less money means government abrakadabra in your face.

I’ve been paying my own bills since I was 16 years old. No doubt I understand what debt is.

The problem

Since the best money printing in 2024 is the Internet — people crave attention by making people angry. Ya, if you want to grab attention so fast on the Internet just throw yourself on the street and do things that make people angry,

Not a controversial statement — straight bigotry.

I bet you’d get the clout under 24/7. Especially if you’re in TikTok, that app made under a spell of chaos inside the Slytherin wall by Voldemort himself.

Internet Hustling Gurus’ has the same pattern of catching people's attention by undermining or belittling other people’s hard work, and the recipe to wash the undertone is by slipping the Bible’s verse, being virtuous, or being a hero of today’s sensitive topic.

So it would be 3 sentences of a self-centered statement and 1 sentence of “so we can be independent without control of others.”

The Self-made millionaire

“I saw my teacher with the ugly 2002 Honda Civic…”

Implying wtf we need to listen to those people if they also have money problems.

Like, your high school teacher is not there to give you life advice dude… They just teach you the subject they paid to teach. You don't need to be a millionaire to teach kids that the first president of the USA is a George Washington idiot.

You don’t have to drive a Ferrari to teach kids one plus one is two.

It’s always a self-centered, chauvinistic, Godless, attitude we’d ever seen in our entire life. It's always about, “I’m the shit”, “I'm the best”, “I’m awesome”, and “Everything about me is awesome.”

Yeah, I guess it's good to be confident, it’s useful, and it’s cool to be confident actually. But you know what’s also important;


The I am 10

Check the interviews nowadays;

“Rate yourself on a scale of 1 to 10!”

and people are like,

“I'm ten, I’m perfect…”

It’s like, really? with that hairline and disproportionate eyelashes?

Nowadays, super-owning flaws have become a promising business too.

Influencers are like, “It is okay to smell bad” or “I know I smell not good, and if you don’t like it you can just leave.”

Dude, no… You're just lazy enough to wipe your ass.

The Alpha

Why there’s so many podcasts?

The material podcast is; the biggest whore vs the biggest douchebag so they can argue and everybody loses their faith in women and men. Both genders look so bad in this discussion.

The women would be like,

“Yeah actually I upload my titties to improve the world” or

“Yeah actually my tits do save a life, so I guess it is worthed for the world to pay me a billion dollars a day”

The men would be like,

“Yeah, I'm alpha male, the epsilon of the male, and I own 47 different businesses that generate 66 figures of income”

“The value of women is to always stare at my balls otherwise they mean nothing”


That’s why I think self-awareness is so important too, we need to learn how to improve on our flaws. We’re not a perfect person and admitting that only leads us to a better place.

We’ve been with people that “I’m the shit” or “I’m the game changer” or “I’m the hottest person.” Being around those people is fucking exhausting.

It’s like, Yeah, you might be the hottest or the coolest person on earth. But you know what you’re not good at?

Shutting the fuck up.

Being delusional is never been a good thing. It makes unqualified people become a leaders and it sucks knowing a big-mouthed person as our leader. And that is why most of us hate our bosses.


Don't be that guy who tries to flex in front of everyone that you drive Lamborgini. Warren Buffet drives Toyota Corolla.

I’ve been working with super competent, made-of-steel kind of people and they’re always self-aware. Honorable men or women who really can stand up to the heat and pain for the best of the team.

And they also hate big-mouth pieces of shit.

