Is Improv The “Adult Playground”?
The astonishing way hobbies continue to shape us
I love it when someone can surprise and delight you about something.
I was at a BBQ recently and the host’s only rule was not to talk shop.
It was the most refreshing evening I have spent with a bunch of adults in New York. Just when I thought this was the most fun adults can have, a podcaster who was also at the event asked everyone a simple question:
What is something you committed to recently that you didn’t need to?
…the answers delighted me, expanded my horizon and left me so excited about the endless possibilities humans have in this rich life we live.
But the most intriguing response came from Ha — Improv Ha.
“I just committed to join an improv house team after learning the art for the past 2.5 years”, she shared proudly.
Improv! You mean the activity in which you must go 100 steps out of your comfort zone and perform live in front of strangers. The one where you have to think on your feet, not second-guess yourself and act freely?
Everyone, including I, was in awe of Ha’s response and funnily enough, she expected it. Her response to our reaction summed it all up!