It Is Quite Simple To Make Money by Writing On Medium.
But Do You Have The Stamina And Discipline To Do Just This One Thing?
I am addicted to “How to make money on Medium” stories. I guess I have devoured them all. The advises given are legit and actionable and they surely will work.
Everyone can write such motivational articles.
But few might have tried what they claim to be true.
So, are you willing to put in all the hard work.
Just for one time close your eyes and just do this.
Write every day for 30 days.
Trust, the outcome will be beautiful.
I do not know, did I read this 100 times or was it 150 times? The fact, that it was recommended in so many stories, makes it the number one “must-do” to be successful. Successful in monetary terms at least.
Do it, write 30 days, without having dollars in mind.
Just do it.
It is a bit like test-driving your product. A kind of Pre-Launch sales. The system recognises you. Readers are getting aware of you. It is a kind of a marketing. How else can you make yourself be seen in a non physical world, if not by your published stories.