I’ve Studied Alex Hormozi’s Work for 200+ Hours. Here Are 5 Simple Secrets That Boosted My Newsletter Writing

It’s so simple it’s almost stupid

Francis Ekwunife
Practice in Public
3 min readSep 3, 2024


Photo by Jason Thompson on Unsplash

Your newsletter is your community.

And sometimes it’s hard to keep your community engaged. You study your stats to see what works best. But if your writing sucks, no one is going to open your email.

My writing used to suck. And it still does today.

But I’ve studied Alex Hormozi and discovered 5 simple tips that boosted how I write my newsletters.

Let me show you.

Be passionate

Writing with zero passion is boring.

I’m tired of seeing writers who write newsletters that don’t excite them like, “How to make $10,000 in one month” so they can increase their open rates. Then they try to fit in with the trends so they don’t miss out.

Face it, if you’re not passionate about your writing, you won’t satisfy your readers.

But when you’re passionate about a topic, you make even the most boring newsletters feel like a vacation in Bali.

What you can do:

  • Ask yourself what you’re passionate about writing about.
  • And consistently write about your passions for a long time.

This way you attract the right audience and enhance how you write your newsletters.

Passion = Great content.

Give more value

Giving value = being read.

It might sound cliche.

But if you don’t show readers how you’re valuable to them, you’ll get missed.

It can be as simple as making a newsletter that provides moms with daily 30-minute recipes for their families. You give moms value by saving them an hour of searching the internet for recipe inspirations.

I also give you value. Because I give you tips to grow your newsletters. And I help you save hundreds of hours looking for good advice on how to grow your newsletter.

Find how you can give value and you’ll build an audience.

Solve problems

Don’t bother writing if you have no problem to solve.

That’s the thing with most noobie writers. They treat their newsletters as journals and don’t care about their readers. When you tell them they have to solve the problems of their readers, they scream at you and chase you with a pitchfork.

Don’t be like them.

If you want to refine how you write your newsletters, you must keep the pains of your subscribers at the back of your head.

Solve your audience’s problems and you’ll become a better writer.

Do more

If you don’t change, you’ll be replaced.

Raise your hand if you want to read a newsletter in 2000s web page format. I thought so.

If you want to boost how you write your newsletters, you must do more and change more. Show your readers why you’re better. Do more than the average writer does. Be different.

But I don’t mean to bombard your subscribers with 30 newsletters a day.

I mean write as much as possible, even if it’s one weekly newsletter. But make it as quality as you can.

Volume + Consistency + Quality + Daily improvements/iterations = Better writing.

Start today

You’re already behind.

So stop living in fear of publishing. Stop being afraid of what others will say. Stop letting your imposter syndrome get the better of you. Stop letting fear control you.

It might sound counterintuitive. But my writing improved when I learnt to control my fears and push that publish button.

And besides the world and your subscribers want to hear your voice.

Start now. Not today.

Final Thought

No matter how much you admire all those big writers,

Remember this,

You’re only a few steps behind them.

What was your favourite tip? Tell me why in the comments.

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Francis Ekwunife
Practice in Public

Posts about: Self-improvement, writing online, and growing your newsletter. Free newsletter growth course: https://blogger-16.ck.page/4bb6a8ba72