I’ve Taught 100s of Creators. Here’s What Makes Some of Them Winners on the Internet.

It doesn’t take much but goes a long way.

Niharikaa Kaur Sodhi
Practice in Public


Photo by Duncan Meyer on Unsplash

I’ve taught nearly 200 people via my cohort-based course, a few hundred via my pre-recorded LinkedIn course and have mentored some folks too. Often, it’s easy to spot in our first conversation when someone will ‘make it’ online for sure.

I sometimes have to resist the urge to tell them, but at times I’m blunt with them. For instance, in my current mentorship group, I tell one of them that if they keep creating content the way they do right now someday it’ll take off for sure.

Here are some types of people I come across. You might relate to this and if you do, perhaps you’ll get a sign of the path you’re on.

1/ Relentless action

Action is the foundational key to all success. — Pablo Picasso

I identify with this one and have seen many others who do this. They get an idea and quickly act on it. No overthinking about the right way to do it or creating something perfect. They know that execution is above everything, sometimes above strategy and planning too.

