Know What Motivates You, To Move One Step Closer To Achieve Your Dreams!

Motivation is an Internal or External factor to you?

Vidhya jyothi
Practice in Public
2 min readApr 18, 2024


Photo by Austin Chan on Unsplash

You want to achieve everything you have dreamt of. But you are still nowhere close to achieving them.

Ever wondered why? It could be a lack of motivation!

I am not saying it is the only reason stopping you from achieving your dreams, all I am saying is this could be one of the factors that could help you move a step ahead.

Motivation is one of the things that drive us to achieve what we want. We spend a lot of time looking for motivation in and around us. It can be an internal factor or an external one or sometimes both.

Knowing what factors influence you to take action can help you to look for it in the right direction.

External factors: Does owning a new car or a fancy house sound exciting? Or seeing a celebrity or famous person on social media makes you aspire to be like him/her? Chances are, you are someone who is motivated by external factors.

Create a visual board of the things that motivate you and keep it in a place where you can see it frequently. Follow people who inspire you on social media, watch their interviews, and read about what they did to reach where they are now and what you can implement in your life.

Internal factors: If doing anything brings you happiness, peace of mind, or a sense of accomplishment, you are internally motivated. You define what success means to you.

One best thing, if you are internally motivated is that the actions are in your control. Visualize how happy you would be, take one step at a time, and journal your leanings and improvement. Seeing yourself improving every day will inspire you to do more.

Enjoy your journey so much that you don't realize your arrival at your destination.

