Master the Four Parts of Hard Work Nobody Tells You About

Doubt, Failure, Restarting, and Success

Practice in Public
3 min readJul 23, 2024


Hard work is defined as a great deal of effort or endurance, by the Oxford Languages.

It’s something that people have telling us to master time and time again, but it’s, simply put, hard. Discipline and motivation have been disproven as important and discarded by much better productivity techniques, but hard work is something that everyone needs to master, from an entrepreneur to a YouTuber to a student.

This article is a simple framework on how to master the four, perhaps unknown parts of hard work because we need it in our life.

The four parts are Doubt, Failure, Restarting and Success.

Photo by Avi Richards on Unsplash


Doubt is something that we all experience.

If you glance back at my very first article when I was starting, I was so fricking scared. I thought people would judge me, that I wouldn’t be able to tell anyone, that I was gonna give up easily.

I was doubting myself a lot. And yes, there is a lot of advice on how to overcome doubt. Maybe no one cares, no one’s looking at your first tries, you are overthinking, etc.

These are all good pieces of advice, no doubt, but it’s important to take the first step nevertheless of this advice. Because, remember, doubt is merely the first step hidden as an obstacle, so it’s important to take action.

It’s not wrong to doubt oneself, especially because doubt prevents us from making stupid decisions, but it’s wrong if you don’t make any sort of step because of doubt.


We all fail too. No one has ever become an overnight success, and if they have, years of work have been put into it. And sometimes, if you’re wise enough, you will realize that 5 failures and the lessons you can learn from that are equal to 1 success.

Perhaps the problem is that failure has such a negative connotation. If you would like, you can substitute failures for lessons, because they ARE lessons in the disguise of shame, anxiety and stress.

So if you fail, even if you try your best, just push yourself to better, because I’m sure you haven’t reached the limit yet.


This is the MOST important step. Okay maybe the second most important, right after doubt. Do you want to know why?

Because after you fail, if you don’t get up fast enough, you’ll be lying down for a VERY long time. We’ve all been there: when we procrastinate so much that a month’s work just piles up.

The thing is, we will get up one day.

It’s just the timing that matters. It’s okay to lay down for a few days, or even a few months. But if you have a chance, and if it’s the correct time, get up, and work again. Don’t wait for someone to slap you awake.

The Conclusion aka Success

We’re coming to the end of this post. It’s the grand finale, the success, the fourth part of hard work.

See, each post is in the same cycle: I sometimes doubt my ideas, which helps me refine them, sometimes I fail, which leads me to tweak it, and then I start again, eventually leading to success.

But it’s the first three that’s in a cycle. Sometimes success comes in the middle, but eventually, the cycle resumes once again.

So it’s important not to give up. Success will come in the middle. It has to.

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Practice in Public

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