Misalignment Burnout 101

What to do when your soul and career are worlds apart

Shannon D. Smith
Practice in Public


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On paper, you’re living the dream. You’ve done everything right.

The degrees, the promotions, the corner office (or its virtual equivalent).

You’ve technically reached the pinnacle of your career.

Yet, every morning you have to drag yourself out of bed.

The passion you had has been replaced by a heavy sense of dread as you face another day of doing work that feels… meaningless.

You’re not just physically tired; you’re soul-tired. This isn’t your generic form of burnout, it’s something deeper… It’s misalignment burnout.

What Is Misalignment Burnout, Exactly?

Misalignment burnout isn’t your average case of the Monday Blues. It’s a deep-seated exhaustion that stems from a disconnect between who you are, what you value, and the work you do.

While general burnout is characterized by overwhelm, stress and exhaustion, misalignment burnout is the gnawing feeling that your work is mismatched with your values, passions, or even your personality.

Think about a car that has misaligned wheels. It will still move forward, but with grinding resistance and a constant pull off…



Shannon D. Smith
Practice in Public

L&D Consultant who empowers mid-career corporate professionals to find the career alignment they deserve. https://thealignmentactivator.com