My Weight Loss Transformation Success Story [Step-by -Step]

How I Lost My Age-long Stubborn Belly Fat In 7 Days


Photo by Ehimetalor Akhere Unuabona on Unsplash

Is it possible to lose stubborn belly fat three times faster and make months of progress in just one week? For the next 7 days, I’ll be following a size-back plan designed to do just that. I want to see how my body reacts and if this can be an easy way to cool down for the summer.

Initial Measurements

To get the most accurate measurements possible, I’m here at the University of British Columbia, and I’m going to be getting a DEXA scan. I’m also going to get an ultrasound of my belly. My initial DEXA scan came in a little higher than I wanted, at 15.6% body fat.

The ultrasound will be the most valuable measurement, not to see if I’m pregnant but to measure the exact thickness of my upper belly fat, middle belly fat, and the most stubborn area, my lower belly fat.

The Diet Plan

Following this complete >>keto diet<< meal plan, Breakfast is served: Egg white omelet with celery. On a typical diet, I’ll usually aim for a calorie deficit of roughly 500 calories, which results in about 1 pound of fat loss per week. With this diet, however, I’m eating just 1,200 calories, creating a deficit of 1,500 calories less than my body needs every day.

Photo by Birgit Roosipuu on Unsplash

Expert Advice

This is Alberto Nunes. In the natural bodybuilding community, Alberto is known as the go-to man to get you shredded. I figured if there’s one person who would know the best approach to losing as much belly fat as possible, it’s him.

Meal Plan and Protein Intake

Here’s my daily meal plan:

  • Egg white omelet with celery for breakfast
  • Post-workout Build with a Size protein shake
  • Two chicken breasts with light veggies for lunch
  • More chicken and vegetables for dinner
  • Dessert: more chicken breast

Workout Routine

Research has shown that it only takes about a third of the volume to maintain your existing muscle compared to building it. This means rather than doing three sets per exercise, I could do just one hard set, and that should be enough to protect my muscles from being burned off without being too much for my body to recover from.

Initial Progress

My first three days on the program went pretty smoothly. I was definitely more hungry than normal, but it was manageable, and with the lower workout volume, my strength and recovery were still feeling good.


I used >>Ageless Body weight loss solution<<. I must confess, it worked like a magic. What this video to see for yourself

Photo by Supliful - Supplements On Demand on Unsplash

The Struggle Begins

By day four, I was starting to feel a rapid energy drop going into the second half of the week. Every workout was now a battle to finish.

Cravings and Physiological Changes

As for food cravings, I was trying to do my best to keep my diet together while life was going on around me, but the longer I went into the diet, the crazier those cravings became. When your body experiences a serious drop in calories, it starts to do whatever it can to tell you to eat.

Final Days and Mental Struggle

Feeling depleted, the only thing left to find out is whether it was all worth it. So I headed back to the lab to get my day 7 results.

Results and Reflection

My DEXA scan showed that my body fat dropped from 15.6% to 14.7%. The ultrasound showed that although my upper and middle belly fat didn’t change much, my lower belly fat dropped by over 30%. The thickness of the lower belly fat dropped by half a centimeter.

Conclusion and Future Plans

Despite the results, I wanted to get even leaner, so I decided to continue dieting for the next 6 weeks, this time using a more sustainable approach. I plan to head back to the lab for one more scan to see just how much more belly fat I was able to lose and then make a video revealing everything I did to easily lose that fat.

Thus, the keto diet plan shows you just how important your nutrition is for losing fat. Check it out >>here <<today



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