Navigating the Crossroads of Potential

Unveiling the 40s dilemma

Ruby Peethambaran
Practice in Public
3 min readDec 11, 2023


Photo by Justin Luebke on Unsplash

In the grand tapestry of life, the 40s bring forth a paradoxical conundrum for many.

The echoes of youthful aspirations collide with the realities of adult responsibilities.

Having spent their 20s as “cool dudes” and their 30s pretending that the chosen path is aligned with their life goal, the 40s come as the decade of reckoning.

Two distinct scenarios unfold:

(A) You are the successful corporate climber but now the childhood dreams of painting/singing/travelling keep making an appearance in your thoughts, more often than you care for.


(B) You are a trailblazer who dared to venture off the beaten path but now grapples with the consequences. You may not have as much money or social status as your old schoolmates. The question that keeps you awake at night is “Did I choose the wrong path?”

Most of us fall into one of the two buckets.

Let’s start with this bit of consolation —

“You are not alone; almost everyone is as F&^%$D as you are :D “

Corporate Maestro Seeking Artistic Expression

For starters, get out of the rut and create a bit of time for yourself.

Do not feel guilty that you are taking it away from work, wife, kids, aged parents, etc.

If you do not know how to or where to start, get this great book called “The Artist’s Way”, by Julia Cameron. It will be a stepping stone to your transformative journey.

Look for a mentor who may be balancing both aspects of life rather well. Or just step out and make new friends in a different circle. The important thing — step out of your comfort zone and take that first step.

Consequences of Unconventional Path

You are bogged down by other’s expectations of success. If you have a place to live and food to eat (feed your children, if you have any) I think you are doing pretty well in life.

Do not be so bothered by society’s conventional markers of success.

The unique experiences gained from your unconventional path have great value. Re-evaluate what success means to you and focus on living life to your full potential.

Work towards personal goals — Perhaps you need to be a kinder person; or a better listener to your family and friends. Understand yourself and make those choices because those are invaluable growth matrices!

Celebrate the Crossroads

Living life to your full potential is a dream we all chase.

It is a very nuanced balance between pragmatic choices and passion. But please remember it is NEVER TOO LATE to re-align with your passion and redefine success.

The 40s/50s do not create a “crisis”. They give you a special gift — you are a more confident person, one who is rich from life experiences.

You are in this beautiful place where you can re-write your narrative.

All you need to do is shift your perspective a bit and you will be on a new path that is more authentic and fulfilling.

Good Luck!



Ruby Peethambaran
Practice in Public

Entrepreneur, Public Speaker, blogger, armchair activist whose life goal is to be a good human being