New Year Resolution — Why I’m Shedding My 2022 Bulge

Aisha Ibrahim (ZP)
Practice in Public
Published in
1 min readDec 31, 2022

Who Says Going Lean Has To Be Hard?

Image created and edited in Canva

The new year resolution tradition never fails to arrive with a fever pitch!

We’re all hopeful about the endless possibilities of new beginnings — kinda like unwrapping that gift with excited fingers and bated breaths for that big reveal.

I’m choosing not to bloat my current list with any NEW GOALS for 2023 because those for 2022 served my vision and values rather nicely.

And for that, I’ll keep on with my goals 2022 with an eye for continuous improvement.

What I choose to erase, however, are books, and audios meant for personal development which are laced with profanities, like those that I recently

had to return as they just didn’t align with what I stand for.

I’ll be extending the courtesy to online classes, videos, or masterclasses as well because I believe that respect should be accorded to your audience who pay you with their time and money — and even when it’s for free!

To recap:

Choice to edit and go leaner for 2023.

More strategic purpose and intention for 2023.

Nothing’ll be added to my current list.

I’ll be erasing things with zero value.

What about you? What’s your plan?

