Not Knowing My Passion Made Me a Better Person. Let Me Tell You How!

Passion: A long term game.

Vidhya jyothi
Practice in Public
3 min readMar 21, 2024


Photo by Nik on Unsplash

Find your passion, you will never have to work again. Your work becomes a game.

This is something I constantly came across in the books I read and videos I watched. Since I was not enjoying my current job then, I began searching for my passion.

And finding passion is a challenging thing for most of us I am sure. So after a few years of trying to find my passion and failing miserably, I don’t regret one bit of it.

Below are a few ways where failing at knowing my passion helped me grow as a person:


Since I did not know what my passion was, I tried everything that seemed interesting. When I started learning something, the first few days I enjoyed it. Because I was playing around with it. A Few days into it, I realized learning new things needs a lot of patience. With each new thing I have tried, I have developed patience. Patience with self. I learned to be kind to myself because learning new things takes time. A lot of it!


When I thought I liked photography, I began to do photoshoots with friends. I would tag along with people who were good at it to understand and learn from them. This gave me a chance to see a new world through a lens. I met some amazing people, and a few even became friends. This helped me build my network and make some memories I will cherish for the rest of my life.


In the quest to know my passion, I tried various things. Photography, social media marketing, content writing, video editing, and also something that I dreaded in college- learning to code. For a person who was just busy with a 9–5 job, life just seemed to end there. Home-office- home. Automated life. But I realized there is more to life than just a job. My life was no longer limited to my job.


With each new interest that I have tried to learn, I began to learn more about myself. What kind of people I like to work with, my capabilities, to what extent I was willing to push myself, and my limitations. It helped me to grow into a better person by trying to enhance my positives and gave me an understanding of how I can work around my limitations. I understand better myself now.

Self Confidence:

I still have no idea what my passion is. But I know one thing. I am a person who has immense faith in myself. I believe that things will turn out in my favor. My hard work and efforts will all be worth it someday. I believe that I will try new things and achieve anything I want to as long as I am willing to not quit and be consistent in my efforts. A hope for a better future with a better me.

For everyone who is finding passion like me and not able to figure it out, don’t give up. You are growing as a better person every day just by trying to see what your passion is. And one day we will all get there. Trust the process.

