Nothing Fails Like Success…

When success is all you have left to boast.

Pankhuree Khaneja | Kaleidostopia
Practice in Public
3 min readJun 21, 2024


Photo by Алекс Арцибашев on Unsplash

First Semester

There was a time when I came first in my class. I was on cloud nine. Not just on that day, but for weeks!

And whenever someone used to approach me for any academic help, I used to brush them off and roll my eyes. (I swear I am not this mean now!)I used to deliberately start the conversation about marks and exams because I wanted people to ask me about my scores.

I used to demean my siblings that they did not study hard enough.

My Dadi Maa (Grandmother) noticed my behavior, pulled me aside, and said, ‘What happened to you?’

I was confused and asked, ‘What happened to me?’

She said, ‘Okay leave it. I will just say something and walk off. And I request you to ponder on it.’

I was too disinterested in whatever she had to say but I said, ‘Okay…’

She said, ‘The roof was once too proud of being on top… Until the day the owners decided to construct another room. That day the roof became the floor.’

‘Oh um okay…’

‘So, don’t be too proud. Say ‘yes’ when someone asks for help. And keep working harder to remain on top.’

‘Yeah yeah’, said my stupid and proud self.

Photo by Joan Kwamboka on Unsplash

Second Semester

I did study for the second-semester exams but not enough, I thought. I wanted to study too much but people kept asking me for help. I kept saying ‘No’ because Duh! I was perfect and why would I want to help anyone so that they might score better than me?

When results came in, I was not first. Not even fifth.

I was nowhere. To top this, I failed history.

I was devastated. My proud self was making fun of me and laughing at me.

Teachers were too disappointed with me. The kids whom I was mean to were laughing at me.

I deserved it. But even mean people can be sad, right? So, I was sad.

And when someone is sad, what do they do? They overthink. I suddenly remembered what my grandmother said. It was me. I was the roof she was talking about.

‘Now, I am the floor’, I murmured.

Photo by Eric Ward on Unsplash

Wiser with time, I guess…

That day I realized that we should not be too happy when we are succeeding and we should not be too sad when we are not. When success is all you have to show off about, nothing fails like it.

This is why many people do not get to experience what true success is, just because they are too proud.

So, I wiped my tears and started studying French Revolution for my history exam to be better in front of my own eyes. Maybe, others will follow suit?

Photo by Brett Jordan on Unsplash

Until Next Time,


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Pankhuree Khaneja | Kaleidostopia
Practice in Public

I write about feelings. Truth or Fallacy? Just a matter of perspective.