Out of Space

A musing on the spaces that fill the physical, mental, and the Cosmic

Frank Reina
Practice in Public
2 min read4 days ago


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You look at your books.

The titles draw your eyes.

There’s something undoubtedly to learn from each one.

You love writing inside the pages…
Marking them with thoughts and insights…
Highlighting, underlining them…

By way of having them read in the past…

Your books are your references for your future.

But in the present, they take up ample space…

A tree of bindings

Branches of knowledge.

With leaves of pages…
Crawling up the wall…
Stretching up to the ceiling…

Extensions of wisdom.

You got two towers of literature flanking your work station.

Wondrous titles.

Vertical stacks.

Consequential piles.

All of them take up space… and attention…

Focus away from what you are doing.

In short, when you draw your eyes to them…
They animate new thoughts.

Thoughts you don’t need at the moment…

Because they don’t serve your current focus.

If you want to get great at what you do —

Always serve your focus


Because you looked at your books…

You ask…

Where did my momentum go?

You think…

Would you rather have a fully stocked room,
serving as a cluttered and clustered
makeshift personal library…

Or… have your area —
wide/ spacious/ open…


With great clarity, comes focused intelligence.

You pose a tough but essential question…

Could you part with your books freely?

Without remorse?
Without nostalgia?
Without reverence?

Could you give your walls more room to breathe?

Could you give your beloved books away
to the Little Free Library in your hood?

The answer is yes

Even the ones that mean the most…
Because you’d extend and branch out new Life,
to what’s already served you… and…

Create space for space it Self

Even outer space is not fully stacked
of a cluster of planets, asteroids, spaceships,
stars, Cosmic debris, etc.

In outer space, there is more darkness (a form of space)
than the energies that fill it.

Does outer space wish it could just be… its own darkness?

What does outer space darkness learn… from the stars that twinkle it?

Moral of this musing

When we got too much going on that it blocks the Light or creates obstacles…

We long for more space.

In the practice of mindfulness,
we are encouraged to meditate…

And what’s the goal of meditation?

To clear your mind space…
and practice the art of non-attachment.

When we are less cluttered,
we think sharper,
and have the capacity for
smoother flow in action…

Clearing space for your Self…
from the things you own
and have learned from…
boils down to this —

Trust that the essential is already stored and accessible in your Soular Intelligence…

And let the stack
of that knowledge and wisdom —

Out of space.



Frank Reina
Practice in Public

Artist. Spiritual. Storycrafter. Remixing the Universe… One verse at a time… Where the plot is always the same — To play.