Something You Can Do Today That Will Make You More Efficient Than 99% of People

You can do anything, but you can’t do everything

Cal Axe
Practice in Public


Photo by Ayo Ogunseinde on Unsplash

Have you watched the new Alexander the Great documentary on Netflix?

Spoiler alert: The acting is super cheesy. Plus, I’ve read a lot about Alexander, and the show missed important details that made him such an interesting and tragic character.

However, the show reminded me of a story I really like. Oddly enough, it’s a lesson in productivity.

The story goes that Alexander’s father, King Phillip, purchased a beautiful black stallion from a traveling merchant. But the horse had a problem. His temper was poor. Phillip’s top equestrians tried to tame the beast. Everyone failed.

While watching this unfold, Alexander told Phillip, “If I can ride him, then I get to keep the horse.” Phillip agreed.

Alexander took the reins and simply led the horse away from the sun, which calmed the horse and allowed Alexander to ride.

Bucephalus (the horse) was afraid of his shadow.

How to Work Smarter, Not Harder

That’s the lesson from Alexander’s story.



Cal Axe
Practice in Public

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