Stop Wasting Your Time Creating the Best Course.

Here’s what to do instead

Matt Giaro
Practice in Public


Image by the author

Most creators spent weeks (or even months) trying to create the best course.

And when comes time to launch…

They throw their hands in frustration because it doesn’t like hotcakes.

Perhaps you’ve tried it yourself… or have been in the process of doing so.

If that’s you, stop it.

I know exactly what you’re feeling because I’ve been in the same boat for many years.

Today I make a six-figure income out of my own courses, but it hasn’t always been that way.

You don’t need a perfect course to start making money

Perhaps you’ve read all the advice, watched all the tutorials, and maybe even paid for a few pricey courses on how to make courses.

But for some reason, you’re stuck.

You might start to think, “Maybe my course isn’t good enough. Maybe I need to add more content, polish my videos, or hire a professional editor.”

The problem is, the more you try to perfect your course, the more time you waste, and the less energy you have to focus your efforts on what’s really bringing in business.



Matt Giaro
Practice in Public

6 Figure Creator. Helping experts turn their ideas into income with online content (in just 2h/day.) Start now 👉