Thank God. I Lost My Discipline.

I found something else

Practice in Public
3 min readMar 11, 2024



I was fed up with the way I was living my life. Waking up at 10 am. Doing my office work till 8 pm. And then binge-watching the rest of the time till I sleep.

I had big dreams. And I was lazy enough not to pursue it.

I have good talent. But it gets lost somewhere in the pursuit of laziness.

So, I decided to change one day.

I am not a disciplined person. I am a fan of obsession. Instead of being disciplined, I decided to be obsessed with something in my life.

Which is writing. I decided to write a book about obsession.

That’s it. The next day onwards I began to wake up at 5.30 in the morning. Wrote at least 2 pages every day in my diary.

Wrote several thousand words in a week. Wrote 2 blogs a week.

Everything was going fine till day 16. And then I fell.

I became the same person I was before. I didn’t write. I woke up late. I consumed entertainment as I did before. And my diary page was blank for the next 13 days.

After skipping my routine for 2 weeks, I am back on track writing this blog for you to read.

And for me to change.

I thought I wasted these 2 weeks doing nothing. But falling and doing nothing helped me to find 12 specific reasons that caused me to fail. It made me realize what I need to do to avoid falling into this comfort trap again.

Here are the 12 reasons I found, which if I repeat, will cause me to fall into the comfort trap again.

  1. If I honor my cravings and desires, they will perpetuate, instead of getting suppressed.
  2. Actions multiply itself. If I spend more time fulfilling my desires, then my desire will demand more time. I need to be conscious of where I am spending my time.
  3. If I spend enough time on entertainment and social media, eventually I will fail. Either reduce it. Or pause for a while and reflect when it gets more.
  4. If I don’t push myself to wake up early in the morning I will eventually fall as my heart will become weak.
  5. Pushing myself will make me strong mentally. So, I need to keep myself pushing by doing hard things daily.
  6. If I skip my routine for more than 2 days it will eventually lead me to rock bottom. So, on the 3rd day, I must be on my routine no matter what.
  7. Staying in my comfort, lying on my bed, and binge-watching feels good. But after a while not progressing in anything will make me feel miserable.
  8. Obsession is enjoyable even though it seems painful. Comfort is painful even though it seems enjoyable.
  9. I need to set a few hours every single day, like one or two hours every day for my obsession. These 2 hours will act as a threshold that will prevent me from falling below that.
  10. Consume entertainment only at the end of the day. First, my priorities for the day should be completed. Then I can do whatever I want.
  11. Be cautious about what led you to fall from your routine. And try hard not to give more time for that cause again.
  12. All the above reasons can be consolidated into one single reason. Which is apart from my job and family time, I had some extra time. Having extra time when you have nothing to do, is the root cause of all evil.

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Practice in Public

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