The 3 Golden Rules of Building a Daily Writing Habit

How to never miss a day of writing ever again

Kurtis Pykes
Practice in Public


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Writing daily is mandatory if you truly consider yourself a digital writer.

Not only because it cultivates discipline and consistency but also because it helps you hone skills that are vital for crafting compelling digital content — especially at the beginning of your journey.

Tony Robbins once said, “You become what you do most of the time.

If you’re writing most of the time, then your odds of becoming a digital writer and making a bunch of money online are much higher than someone who’s not.

This is what makes establishing a daily writing habit extremely vital.

It could be the difference between becoming a successful creator and failing.

In this article, I will tell you the 3 golden rules you need to build a daily writing habit that you stick to.

I will discuss why you must make time rather than try to find it, set intentional constraints to force creativity, and not beat yourself up for missing one day, but you most certainly should never miss two in a row.

Let’s get into it…

Rule #1: Define your sacred hours

